HRS Certification SOP

    Updated 12/1/2020

    HRS Process Map
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      Prior to end of June (Principal & Assistant Superintendent) determine that a school is ready to pursue certification in the next HRS Level.
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      Prior to the end of July (Assistant Superintendent) secures contract for HRS Certification.
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      Prior to the Start of the School Year, Mark Haystead (Marzano Contact) will provide access information to the Moodle Site, Reviewer will contact the school principal to introduce themselves.
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      On an ongoing basis (Principal and SIP team) build evidence into Moodle site and respond to feedback from reviewer after each leading indicator is submitted for review.
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      Scheduled Review

      Once all indicators are reviewed (Reviewer) requests review from Marzano HRS Certification Committee.
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      Once the school is certified the Marzano Team provides notification of certification to the school and district team.
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      Once certificate is awarded (Central Office Team) orders and presents banner to the school team (end of year recognition).
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