HRS Certification SOP
1CertificationPrior to end of June (Principal & Assistant Superintendent) determine that a school is ready to pursue certification in the next HRS Level.
2ContractPrior to the end of July (Assistant Superintendent) secures contract for HRS Certification.
3MoodlePrior to the Start of the School Year, Mark Haystead (Marzano Contact) will provide access information to the Moodle Site, Reviewer will contact the school principal to introduce themselves.
4EvidenceOn an ongoing basis (Principal and SIP team) build evidence into Moodle site and respond to feedback from reviewer after each leading indicator is submitted for review.
5Scheduled ReviewOnce all indicators are reviewed (Reviewer) requests review from Marzano HRS Certification Committee.
6CertificationOnce the school is certified the Marzano Team provides notification of certification to the school and district team.
7Award/RecognitionOnce certificate is awarded (Central Office Team) orders and presents banner to the school team (end of year recognition).