4.170 AP8 Movable Soccer Goal Safety




    Requires all Building Principals to:

    1. Identify any movable goal that is on school grounds, and 

    2. Ensure that supervisors comply with the Movable Soccer Goal Safety Act (430 ILCS 145/. 

    Building Principal

    Review the Ill. Department of Public Health’s assistance materials found at idph.state.il.us/soccer_goal_safety/index.htm.

    Identifies any movable soccer goals on school grounds, or that the school owns or controls.

    Implements the Movable Soccer Goal Safety Act (430 ILCS 145/, by, among other things,  instructing staff members to properly secure or anchor a movable soccer goal when installing, setting up, maintaining, or moving one. 

    DATED:    January 2014

    AMENDED:    August 2014