07.10 E Equal Educational Opportunities Within the School Community

    The School District welcomes diversity in its schools. Policy 7:10, Equal Educational Opportunities cites the many civil rights laws that guarantee equal education opportunities to all students. In addition, the policies below address the equal educational opportunities, health, safety, and general welfare of students within the District. These policies are not a complete list, and depending on the factual context, another policy not specifically listed may apply:

    1. 2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure, contains the process for an individual to seek resolution of a complaint. A student may use this policy to complain about bullying. The District Complaint Manager shall address the complaint promptly and equitably.

    2. 6:65, Student Social and Emotional Development, requires that social and emotional learning be incorporated into the District’s curriculum and other educational programs. 

    3. 7:10, Equal Educational Opportunities, requires that equal educational and extracurricular opportunities be available to all students without regard to, among other protected statuses, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

    4. 7:20, Harassment of Students Prohibited, prohibits any person from harassing, intimidating, or bullying a student based on an actual or perceived characteristic that is identified in the policy including, among other protected statuses, sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

    5. 7:130, Student Rights and Responsibilities, recognizes that all students are entitled to rights protected by the U.S. and Illinois Constitutions and laws for persons of their age and maturity in a school setting.

    6. 7:160, Student Appearance, prohibits students from dressing or grooming in such a way as to disrupt the educational process, interfere with a positive teaching/learning climate, or compromise reasonable standards of health, safety, and decency.

    7. 7:165, Student Uniforms, encourages students to wear school uniforms in order to maintain and promote orderly school functions, school safety, and a positive learning environment, if adopted.

    8. 7:180, Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment, contains the comprehensive structure for the District’s bullying prevention program. 

    9. 7:250, Student Support Services, directs the Superintendent to develop protocols for responding to students’ social, emotional, or mental health problems that impact learning.

    10. 7:330, Student Use of Buildings - Equal Access, grants student-initiated groups or clubs the free use of school premises for their meetings, under specified conditions.

    11. 7:340, Student Records, contains the comprehensive structure for managing school student records, keeping them confidential, and providing access as allowed or required.

    October 2016