Mentoring Program SOP (Documentation of Participation)
Updated 4/2020
Mentoring Cycle Tracker (Sarah, I will send you a blank template. This has teacher names and info embedded and shouldn't be shared.)
Info on PDHs for Mentoring Participation
1Documentation Expectations (Aug)The documentation process expectations will be reviewed by the Director of Curriculum with all mentoring instructional coaches and teachers participating in the program.
2Mentoring Sessions (On-going)
Instructional Coaches document all mentoring sessions as Google events within their D100 calendar.
Both IC and mentee should be added to the event.
Label the event title as mentoring and specify the mentoring cycle. (This allows you to do a calendar search each quarter to total the hours.)
Any collaboration outside of the mentoring cycles should be labeled as other instructional coaching appointments are labeled. These events are considered outside of the mentoring program.
3Coaching Support (On-going)Assigned instructional coaches provide support toward the goals and outcomes described in the About D100 Mentoring program overview.
4Collaboration Documentation (On-going)Instructional Coaches utilize the CAL or a similar electronic tool to formally document the collaboration and provide a copy to the mentee.
5PDHs/PD ParticipationDuring the evaluation support cycle mentees retain a copy of the Collaborative Assessment Log (CAL) or similar shared digital tool as evidence of participation in the program support cycles until the next renewal of your PEL. In the event that a PEL is audited by the ROE, this serves as evidence of earning the awarded PDHs.
6Mentoring Cycle Tracker (Trimester/Quarterly)Instructional Coaches count up the total number of hours spent in each mentoring cycle and update the Mentoring Cycle Tracker (add link). This tracker is provided to ISBE as evidence of PD.
7Review Cycle (Spring)Director of Curriculum and instructional coaches review the trackers annually as a team to understand where support has been needed by novice teachers and to reflect on the average time spent in different cycles.
8District Collaboration/Feedback Session (Spring)Each spring, the described group (Director of Curriculum, Asst Sup of HR, IC representatives, admin representatives, participating mentee from each level) will meet to review New Teacher Orientation feedback, new employee rounding feedback, Principal and IC feedback on successes/challenges of mentoring support, and the tentative NTO agenda for the following year. This group will reflect on the data sources and determine recommendations to support planning and decision making by administration in the interest of onboarding new teaching staff. Talking points or recommendations from the meeting will be shared out with the CO Cabinet, Building Admin, the IC team, and the BEA President by the Director of Curriculum.