Change of Address/Central Office Registrar (SOP)
Related SOP
1Residency ProofVerify proof of residency (Lease/Property Tax Documentation)
- If no lease give them the No Lease Form
- If living with someone, give then Living with District Resident Form
2Student VerificationLook up student in eSchool
3ServicesCheck if the student has an IEP, 504 Plan or EL Services (verify with new school if they can accomodate the designated services)
4WA StatusCheck to see if the student had a Washington School Application/enrollment and if they want to remain there (if their new school puts them in different school/attendance zone)
I don't know if we want to mention anything about decline process here. -
5ContactsGo to contacts (in eSchool) and verify that the guardian matches (matches what?)
6VerificationVerify siblings that are active
7MapGo to the boundary map (do we have this in PDF/link form) to verify what school the student belongs to
8GEO SchoolGo to address page (in eSchool) and verify GEO school
- If same school as old one do nothing further
- If Geo school is different, ask if they want to keep student in that school for the remainder of the year?
- If yes let them know the parents are responsible for transportation
- If no ask when they want the student to start in the new Geo school
- Verify with the school if there is space available regarding the new student
- Send email to school letting them know of incoming student (do we tell the current school they are leaving?)
9Required DocumentsDouble check that you received the Required Documents
1. Lease/Property Tax
2. Current Utility Bill -
10Change of Address FormAdd Student ID number and previous address to Change of Address Form
Give completed form to the eSchool/Integration Coordinator -