7.200 E1 Short Term Out of School Suspension Report Form

    Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

    Illinois law requires a School District to provide the following information to a parent/guardian of a child who is suspended from school due to an act of gross disobedience or misconduct.


    Incident Date

    Student handbook rule(s) and/or Board policy violated:

    Date and time of pre-suspension conference with student:

    (If this conference was not held because the student’s conduct posed an immediate danger to persons or property, list the date and time the pre-suspension conference will be conducted.) 

    Date(s) of suspension:

    Date student is eligible to return to school:

    Description of incident: (List all pertinent information (date, time, location) regarding the specific act(s) of gross disobedience or misconduct resulting in the decision to suspend.)

    Rationale for the specific duration of the suspension: 

    It has been further determined that: (At least one of the following must be completed.)

    1. Your child’s continued presence at school poses a threat to school safety. Due to the egregious nature of your child’s conduct (i.e., physical harm, violence, threat) and/or the history or record of your child’s past conduct, school officials have determined that your child is likely to engage in similar conduct in the future. These determinations include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following additional reasons: (List explanation below.)

    1. Your child’s continued presence at school poses a disruption to other students’ learning opportunities. Due to the egregious nature of your child’s conduct (i.e., physical harm, violence, threat) and/or the history or record of your child’s past conduct school, officials have determined that (a) your child is likely to engage in similar conduct in the future, and/or (b) the presence of your child at school will foster a culture that his or her behavior(s) at school is/are acceptable or tolerated. These determinations include, but are not limited to, or more of the following: (List explanation below.)

    The school is required to make all reasonable efforts to resolve threats or disruptions and minimize the length of out-of-school suspensions.  The following behavioral and disciplinary interventions have been exhausted.  (List all behavioral and disciplinary interventions and resources previously utilized to address the student’s behavior or indicate if there are no appropriate and available interventions and resources; e.g., any previous correspondence with parents or guardians about the behavior, check-in/check-out, functional behavioral analysis (FBA), behavioral improvement plan (BIP), social academic instructional group (SAIG), in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension and/or other interventions and resources.)

    During the period of suspension, your child may not be present at school, on grounds owned or controlled by the School District or at any School District activity.  Failure to comply with this directive constitutes a trespass and will be dealt with accordingly.

    Upon returning to school, your child will be given an opportunity to make up work missed during the suspension for equivalent academic credit.

    To discuss this matter, you may contact the Building Principal. Alternatively, you have the right to have the suspension reviewed by the School Board or a hearing officer acting on the Board’s behalf.  To schedule a Board hearing, please send a written request within ten (10) calendar days to (insert name and address of the Superintendent).

    Building Principal


    cc:    School Board

    UPDATED:     December 13, 2021