3.60-E Reporting Requirements for Building Principals Concerning School Safety and Security

    The Building Principal shall comply with all State law reporting and notice requirements for principals. Compliance with the State law reporting and notice requirements is required by Board policy 3:60, Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal, in its mandate to “perform all duties as described in State law.” The specific statute identified in the following tables should be checked for current requirements. The lists of required reports and notices may not be exhaustive.

    Events Requiring Reports Concerning 

    School Safety and Security


    A student or other person poses a clear and present danger to himself, herself, or others.

    This report is made to the Ill. State Police (ISP) within 24 hours after the Building Principal makes this determination.

    This report is required by the Firearm Concealed Carry Act (430 ILCS 66/105), and the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code (405 ILCS 5/6-103.3). The Building Principal may delegate making reports concerning students, but not otherwise.

    Clear and present danger is defined in 430 ILCS 65/1.1, as a person who:

    (1) communicates a serious threat of physical violence against a reasonably identifiable victim or poses a clear and imminent risk of serious physical injury to himself, herself, or another person as determined by a physician, clinical psychologist, or qualified examiner; or

    (2) demonstrates threatening physical or verbal behavior, such as violent, suicidal, or assaultive threats, actions, or other behavior, as determined by a physician, clinical psychologist, qualified examiner, school administrator, or law enforcement official.

    ISP rules implementing this duty to report are found in 20 Ill.Admin.Code §1230.120(b), and state, in relevant part:

    b) Law enforcement officials and school administrators shall report determinations of a clear and present danger directly to the Department [ISP]. The Department shall make a form and instruction for the reporting available to law enforcement officials and school administrators on its website.

    1) Clear and present danger reports shall be reviewed by the Department to deny a FOID [Firearm Owners Identification] card application or revoke a FOID card under Section 8(f) or 8.1(d) of this Act.

    2) Clear and present danger reporting shall be made consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. §1232g) to assist the Department with protecting the health and safety of the public by denying persons who present a clear and present danger from having lawful access to weapons.

    The ISP has posted information and instructions at: isp.illinois.gov/StaticFiles/docs/FirearmsSafe....

    3:60, Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal

    7:340, Student Records

    7:340-AP1, School Student Records

    A student may be an abused or neglected child or, for a student aged 18 through 21, an abused or neglected individual with a disability.

    This report is made to the Ill. Dept. of Children and Family Services (DCFS) immediately upon suspicion or receipt of knowledge. The DCFS Child Abuse Hotline is 800/25-ABUSE or 217/524-2606.

    In addition to the Building Principal, all school personnel are required to make this report. A staff member should inform the Building Principal if the staff member made a report; the Building Principal should inform the Superintendent of any report made. 

    This report is required by the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (325 ILCS 5/), and the Dept. of Human Services Act (20 ILCS 1305/). A knowing and willful failure to make the report to DCFS is a Class A misdemeanor for the first violation and a second or subsequent violation is a Class 4 felony. 325 ILCS 5/4.

    Information and directions are available from DCFS at: state.il.us/dcfs/child/index.shtml

    5:90, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

    7:190-AP6, Administrative Procedure - Guidelines for Investigating Sexting Allegations

    Child pornography is discovered on electronic and information technology equipment.

    This report is made immediately to local law enforcement, or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s CyberTipline 800/843-5678 or online at: CyberTipline.com

    According to 325 ILCS 5/4.5,

    Electronic and information technology equipment means, equipment used in the creation, manipulation, storage, display, or transmission of data, including internet and intranet systems, software applications, operating systems, video and multimedia, telecommunications products, kiosks, information transaction machines, copiers, printers, and desktop and portable computers. (Italics added.)

    An electronic and information technology equipment worker or the worker’s employer is required to make this report by 325 ILCS 5/4.5.

    Failure to make this report is a business offense subject to a fine of $1,001. Id. at 5/4.5(e).

    5:90, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

    Hazing resulted in bodily harm to any person.

    This report is required when the Building Principal or other school personnel or volunteer observes hazing.

    This report is made to the Superintendent or other supervising authority or, in the event of death or great bodily harm, to law enforcement. 720 ILCS 5/12C-50.1. The statute does not provide a deadline for making the report, but making the report immediately is prudent.

    Failure to report hazing is a Class B misdemeanor and if the hazing resulted in death or great bodily harm the failure to report is a Class A misdemeanor. Id. at 5/12C-50.1(c). 

    5:90, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

    7:190, Student Behavior

    The person enrolling a student fails to provide a certified copy of the student’s birth certificate within 30 days of enrolling the student.

    The Superintendent or designee is required to immediately notify local law enforcement. The Superintendent or designee must also notify the person enrolling the student, in writing, that unless the person complies within 10 days, the case will be referred to local law enforcement for investigation. If the person does not comply within 10 days, the Superintendent or designee refers the case to local law enforcement. 325 ILCS 50/5(b)(2) and 325 ILCS 55/5(b).

    This report is required by the Missing Children Records Act (325 ILCS 50/), and the Missing Children Registration Law (325 ILCS 55/). 

    7:50, School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools

    7:50-AP, School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools

    The District receives notification from the ISP of the disappearance of a student currently or previously enrolled.

    The Superintendent or designee is required to flag records pertaining to the student, such that whenever a copy of or information regarding the flagged records is requested, the Superintendent or designee will be alerted. The Superintendent or designee must immediately report to local law enforcement any request concerning flagged records or knowledge about where the student may be located. 325 ILCS 50/5(a) and 325 ILCS 55/5(a).

    This report is required by the Missing Children Records Act (325 ILCS 50/), and the Missing Children Registration Law (325 ILCS 55/).

    7:50-AP, School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools

    A drug-related incident occurred on school property, including any conveyance used to transport students, or on any public way within 1000 feet of the school.

    The Building Principal or designee is required to immediately notify the Superintendent or designee and any involved student's parent/guardian. The Superintendent or designee is required to immediately report to local law enforcement. 105 ILCS 5/10-27.1B, amended by P.A.s 103-609 (first to pass both houses) and 103-780 (second to pass both houses and controlling). Schools must also report any verified incident involving drugs to the Ill. State Board of Education (ISBE) through its web-based School Incident Reporting System (SIRS) as it occurs during the year but no later than July 31 for the preceding school year. Id. See f/n 6 in sample administrative procedure 4:170-AP1, Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan.

    105 ILCS 127/2 also requires reporting to the municipal police dept. or office of the county sheriff of the municipality or county where the school is located within 48 hours of becoming aware of the drug violation.

    105 ILCS 127/2 sets forth specific drug violations that will trigger this duty to report; however, best practice suggests reporting any drug violation. This report is required by the School Reporting of Drug Violations Act, 105 ILCS 127/.

    3:60, Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal

    4:170-AP1, Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan, Letter J. Required Notices

    The safety and welfare of students and teachers are threatened by illegal use of drugs and alcohol, by illegal use or possession of weapons, or by illegal gang activity.

    If this occurs, the Building Principal is required to utilize the resources of proper law enforcement agencies. 105 ILCS 5/10-21.4a.

    3:60, Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal 

    7:190, Student Behavior

    A student committed a criminal offense.

    The Superintendent or designee is required to make this report. This report is made to local law enforcement agencies as part of a reciprocal reporting system between the District and local law enforcement agencies. No specified time period is stated in the statute. A reciprocal reporting system is required by 105 ILCS 5/10-20.14.

    2:150, Committees

    7:190-AP3, Guidelines for Reciprocal Reporting of Criminal Offenses Committed by Students

    A person on school grounds possesses a firearm.

    This report is made by the Building Principal or designee to local law enforcement immediately after receiving a report of a person on school grounds possessing a firearm. The Building Principal or designee must also notify the Superintendent or designee and any involved student's parent/guardian, and the Superintendent or designee must also immediately report to local law enforcement. Schools must also report any verified incident involving a firearm to ISBE through SIRS as it occurs during the year but no later than July 31 for the preceding school year. See f/n 6 in sample administrative procedure 4:170-AP1, Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan.

    These reports are required by 105 ILCS 5/10-27.1A, amended by P.A.s 102-197, 103-609 (first to pass both houses) and 103-780 (second to pass both houses and controlling). A knowing and willful failure to make the report is a petty criminal offense for the first violation and a second or subsequent violation is a Class C misdemeanor. Id.

    7:190, Student Behavior

    4:170-AP1, Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan, Letter J. Required Notices

    A staff member is battered.

    This report is made by the Building Principal or designee to the Superintendent or designee and to any involved student's parent/guardian. The Superintendent or designee will immediately report to local law enforcement and will report to ISBE through SIRS as incidents occur during the school year and no later than August 1 for the preceding school year. 105 ILCS 5/10-21.7, amended by P.A. 102-894.

    4:170-AP1, Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan, Letter J. Required Notices

    A student engaged in aggressive behavior.

    The Superintendent or designee is required to make this report. This report is made to the parent/guardian of a student who engaged in aggressive behavior including, without limitation, bullying. 105 ILCS 5/10-20.14(d). No specific time period is stated in the statute. 

    7:180, Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

    7:190, Student Behavior

    7:190-E1, Aggressive Behavior Reporting Letter and Form

    Required Notices Concerning School Safety and Security


    Human Trafficking Hotline.

    The Superintendent or designee ensures the Ill. Dept. of Human Services’ notice is posted in conspicuous and accessible locations such as administrative offices or other locations in view of school employees. 

    This notice is required by the Human Trafficking Resource Center Notice Act, 775 ILCS 50/.

    Notice available for download at: dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=82023.

    Lead in Drinking Water.

    If samples from any drinking water lead test performed in any District school(s) exceed five parts per billion, the Superintendent or designee provides notification of the sampling results to the parents or guardians of all enrolled students. 

    This notification is required by 225 ILCS 320/35.5(c)(3).

    4:170, Safety

    Sex Offender Information is Available.

    This notice is provided to the parents/guardians of students at either registration or parent-teacher conferences.

    Either the Building Principal or teacher shall notify the parents/guardians that information about sex offenders is available on the ISP website. 730 ILCS 152/120(g). 

    This notice is required by the Sex Offender Community Notification Law, 730 ILCS 152/120(g). 

    4:170, Safety

    4:175-AP1, Criminal Offender Notification Laws; Screening

    4:175-AP1, E1, Informing Parents/Guardians About Offender Community Notification Laws

    Updated: October 2024