EL Student Enrollment SOP: New Student to District

    Updated 1/19/21

    1. Follow this process when a student enrolls in our district and or a current student in our district is identified of another language other than English is indicated on the Home Language Survey (HLS)

    2. For K-12 students only

    Home Language Surveys (39 languages)

    WIDA Screener

    ISBE- Screening for English Language Proficiency

    EL Kindergarten Enrollment

    EL Documents (notice of enrollment, program description)

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      Prior to Meeting with the Registrar

      An appointment will be scheduled for the parents/guardian of the to-be enrolled student to meet with the registrar.
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      Prior to the Registration Appt./After Infosnap has Been Filled Out

      The registrar will check the home language survey to see if a language other than English is spoken at the home.

      The registrar will look up that student’s information in ISBE SIS to check the LEP status. 

      If LEP=No, that student does not need to be screened for EL services, and should be placed in all gen-ed classes. (unless otherwise indicated from parent or IEP)

      If LEP = YES, that student will be referred to the Language and culture department for placement.

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      Registration Process

      Registar: Registration paperwork. 

      Bilingual Coordinator:

      During the summer: The bilingual coordinator will arrange for screening days to occur. 

      During the school year: The Bilingual coordinator will set an appointment for the student to be screened. The bilingual coordinator will be in communication with the parent and school staff. 

      Students who do not need to be screened: Bilingual Coordinator will reach out to previous school for current EB records. 

      Placement and paperwork may take up to 30 days. 

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      Screening/Sharing Results

      Once the person screening calculates the results of the screener, the screener, will communicate with the parent/guardian the results of the screener and placement options.
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      Screening/Communicating with Schools

      After a parent either accepts or declines placement, the bilingual coordinator will contact the building secretary or school counselor and EB Admin to alert them of the new student. 

      The teacher (administering the screener) will create an EL red folder and complete all necessary paperwork. 

      After completing all necessary documentation, the Bilingual Coordinator will send the red folder to the building which the student will attend.

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      E-School Records

      After screening, the bilingual coordinator will enter the students’ screener scores, EL program status and LEP program status into eschool.
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