Expulsion SOP

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      Student incident occurs:
      • Immediately investigate the situation
      • Determine egregiousness of incident
      • If warranted, conduct a Threat Assessment
        • Determine whether to contact law enforcement authorities
      • Does the student have a 504 or an IEP?
      • If yes, contact Director of Special Education
      • MDR meeting is scheduled
        • No special education student shall be expelled if the student's particular act of gross disobedience or misconduct is a manifestation of his or her disability.
        • Use this guidance document and checklist to coordinate an MDR.
        • @ MDR if not related (continue process)
          • For a CPA or expulsion, the IEP team can review placement and provide a recommendation
      • If there is an incident that could warrant an expulsion, contact the Director of Students Services and Career Readiness or designee as soon as possible and within 24 hours of the incident and begin following the Expulsion Checklist.
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      Recommendation for Expulsion

      • If student is given a 10 day suspension & the administration wants to recommend for expulsion
        • In order for an expulsion to be possible it must be documented that:
          • School officials determined that all behavioral and disciplinary interventions have been exhausted or (2) School officials determined that no other appropriate and available interventions existed for the student. (list of interventions attempted must be available) 

          • The student’s continuing presence in school would (1) pose a threat to the safety of other students, staff, or members of the school community or (2) substantially disrupt, impede, or interfere with the operation of the school. 

        • The following matrix should be used to determine if an expulsion should be considered, using a 4 point scale (1:low impact - 4:high impact): 

          • A) Actual impact of incident to the physical safety of others 

          • B) Actual impact of incident to the emotional safety of others

          • C) Potential threat of incident to the physical safety of others

          • D) Negative perceptions from incident in larger community 

          • E) Severity of disruption incident caused to the learning environment 

        • Once a decision has been made by the Director of Students Services and Career Readiness or designee to proceed with an expulsion hearing, the building administration should complete and forward the following items to the Director of Students Services and Career Readiness or designee within 2 days of incident:

          (Information to be included in Expulsion Hearing Notice) AP will be responsible to get homework ready for student and continue to do this throughout suspension.
          AP will determine if the student has an IEP.  If the student receives special education services, an MDR must be scheduled (not held) within 24 hours of a decision to move forward with an expulsion.
          Copy of long-term suspension form (with signature included)

          • List of prior student suspensions (Last 2 years)

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      Develop an Expulsion Packet

      Please forward all items (if applicable) listed below (from the table of contents) to the Assistant Superintendent within 5 days of incident.

      Principal reviews packet with assistant principal, to verify that all items are present prior to sharing with Assistant Superintendent, packet is in copy order as listed in the table of contents. (Information for expulsion packet to be presented at hearing)
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      Conditional Probation Agreement (CPA)

      • District administration determines if an alternative placement will be given and if the IEP team (when applicable) agrees to an alternative placement, follow the steps below
        • Once it is determined that a student will be recommended for alternative placement or expulsion, the Assistant Superintendent will contact the alternative placement to determine available space
      • If CPA  will be offered, schedule a meeting with the parent/guardian and student and provide an explanation of the Condition Probation Program meeting. (Board Policy 7:215)
      • If parents are in agreement, hold pre-expulsion meeting and all parties sign two copies of the CPA, one copy to the family, one copy to the school district
        • A copy of the executed Conditional Probation Agreement shall be sent to the Superintendent for distribution to members of the School Board.
        • If CPA is implemented and student breaks contract return to expulsion proceedings
        • If CPA is implemented and completed successfully as determined by the administration, the student and his or her parent(s)/guardian(s) shall hold a re-entry meeting with his or her Building Principal to address any reintegration issues and/or future expectations regarding the student's conduct.  (Board Policy Reference 7:215)
          • If agreed to by all parties, hold a restorative conference.
      • If parents are not in agreement go to the next step
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      No CPA

      • If no CPA parents are required to review and sign a statement that they understand the terms of the CPA offered and understand their decline will result in an expulsion hearing.
      • Send home certified letter for expulsion hearing and call parents, use interpretation when appropriate
        • English
        • Spanish
        • Include a copy of the long-term suspension form and board policy 7.210, Expulsion Procedures
      • Coordinate interpretation services for the hearing when appropriate
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      Board Meeting

      • Determine if a special board meeting is needed to be scheduled to meet within the 10 day time period or if the meeting can be held at the regular board meeting
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      Paperwork Preparation

      • Director of Students Services and Career Readiness or designee and building admin finish the expulsion packet, translate as needed, number pages, and provide copies to the Superintendent's Secretary
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      • Board Meeting and Expulsion Hearing to determine next steps
      • At any hearing, the administration must present: (1) testimony of any other interventions attempted and exhausted or of their determination that no other appropriate and available interventions were available for the student; and (2) evidence of the threat or disruption posed by the student.  (Board Polic 7:210)
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      Parent Follow Up

      • Director of Students Services and Career Readiness or designee sends student and parent(s)/guardian(s) the Board's written expulsion decision, which must contain all items set forth in Paragraph 4 of Board Policy 7:210 (Expulsion Procedures).  Assistant Superintendent will also contact parent(s)/Guardian(s) by phone to ensure receipt of the Board's written expulsion decision.  
      • Certified Letter Template (Spanish)
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      Outplacement as Deemed Appropriate

      • District administration contacts the school administration to confirm the expulsion or CPA, provides a copy of the packet or agreement.
      • The school administration team completes application paperwork for students who are outplaced during their expulsion.
      • The school administration sends an email to the counselor and registrar and contacts FirstStudent, requesting an update to the students status in eSchool and for transportation.
        • If attending Summit Academy, the Summit Academy staff will contact FirstStudent to coordinate transportation.
      • School team withdraws the student from classes after their OSS ends and lists the end date for classes as the date of the last IPR.
      • If the student has a 504 or IEP, the school-based case manager maintains responsibility for the student. 
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      E-School/State Reporting

      • Director of Students Services and Career Readiness or designee updates Expulsion/Outplacement tracker so the Data Integration Coordinator & SIS Coordinator can do the following:
        • Exit student in assigned building and add serving school
        • Discipline data is reported to the state (follow discipline reporting criteria)
      • If expelled building admin needs to complete State form and place in student's permanent file (in the event that they would move during that time period)
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      Student Completion of CPA/Expulsion

      District administration informs school administration of the student's status in order to prepare for the student's return to school.
      • District administration provide records for any outplacement to the school team
      • School team updates the student status in eSchool and builds a student's schedule.
      • School team contacts FirstStudent to coordinate transportation as appropriate.
      • Coordinate any needed team meetings; ie IEP or 504 meeting.
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      Re-Entry Meeting/Re-Engagement Meeting

      For students whose CPA or expulsion period is ending, the administration will schedule a transition plan meeting with the parent, appropriate staff (include alternative placement representatives), depending upon the age of the student the child may sit in on the meeting.   The purpose of the meeting is to determine the appropriate placement and interventions for the student upon return.

      Factors considered for student placement may include:
      • Student level of success at alternative placement
      • Anticipated level of success in return placement
      • Parent/guardian and student interest 
      • Student credit status
      • Student and school safety

      A second meeting will be held to and a  re-entry plan will be created to determine an action plan and appropriate supports for the student's return.
      • If appropriate and agreed to by all parties, hold a restorative conference.
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