7.270 E2 School Medication Authorization Form Medical Cannabis
To be completed by the child’s parent(s)/guardian(s). A new form must be completed every school year. Keep in the school nurse’s office or, in the absence of a school nurse, the Building Principal’s office.
Student’s Name: Birth Date:
Home Phone: Cell Phone: Emergency Phone:
School: Grade: Teacher:
To be completed by the student’s physician, physician assistant with prescriptive authority, or advanced practice RN with prescriptive authority.
Prescriber’s Printed Name:
Office Address:
Office Phone: Emergency Phone:
Medication name:
Dosage: Frequency:
IDPH registry ID card for student is valid [insert dates]:
IDPH registry ID card for designated caregiver is valid [insert dates]:
Attach copies of both registry identification cards
Time medication is to be administered or under what circumstances:
Prescription date: Order date: Discontinuation date:
Diagnosis requiring medication:
Is it necessary for this medication to be administered during the school day? Yes No
Expected side effects, if any:
Time interval for re-evaluation:
Other medications student is receiving:
Prescriber’s Signature Date
For only parents/guardians of students who want to grant their child permission to self-administer a medical cannabis infused product under direct supervision by a school nurse or administrator:
I grant permission for my child to self-administer his or her medical cannabis infused product required under an asthma action plan, an Individual Health Care Action Plan, an allergy emergency action plan, a plan pursuant to Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or a plan pursuant to the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. 105 ILCS 5/10-22.21b, amended by P.A. 103-175. I understand that my child’s self-administration will only occur under direct supervision by a school nurse or school administrator. 105 ILCS 5/22-33(b-5).
Medical cannabis infused product child is permitted to self-administer:
Please initial to indicate (1) receipt of this information, and (2) authorization for your child to self-administer a medical cannabis infused product.
Parent/Guardian Initials
By signing below, I acknowledge, understand and agree as follows:
- The only individual(s) who may possess and administer medical cannabis to my child at school or on the school bus is: a) his/her registered designated caregiver as identified by the Ill. Dept. of Public Health (IDPH); or b) a school nurse or school administrator.
- Both my child and his/her registered designated caregiver possess valid registry identification cards issued by the IDPH, copies of which I have provided/will provide to the District.
- After administering the medical cannabis to my child, the designated caregiver shall immediately remove the product from school premises or the school bus.
- The designated caregiver may not administer a medical cannabis infused product in a manner that, in the opinion of the District or school, would create a disruption to the school’s educational environment or would cause exposure of the product to other students.
- Children under age 18 cannot smoke or vape medical cannabis. Medical cannabis-infused products include oils, ointments, foods, and other products that contain usable cannabis but are not smoked or vaped.
- The District reserves the right to restrict or otherwise stop allowing the administration of medical cannabis to my child if the District or school would lose federal funding as a result.
- I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the School District and its employees and agents against any claims, except a claim based on willful and wanton conduct, arising out of the administration of medical cannabis that I authorize by my signature below.
Parent/Guardian Printed Name:
Address (if different from Student’s above):
Home Phone: Cell Phone: Emergency Phone:
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Updated: June 2024