Supervisor NovaTime SOP
1Work HoursWork times will now be standardized - we will provide scheduled work times for each category of hourly employees - Work Day Hours
2Attendance VerificationVerify attendance each day- if an employee arrives late or leaves early please make a note as to the reason and if it is paid or unpaid time. Do not change the time the employee actually punched in.
3ChangesIf a change is made to a punched time record the reason for the change in the Notes column.
4Override CapabilitiesBuilding Principals have the ability to override up to three times per semester - more than 3 x’s may lead to discipline.
5Absence Verification
Verify all absences are coded correctly in Frontline- Leave days will be uploaded every Monday for the previous week- if a change is made to Frontline after the upload is completed you will need to manually correct NovaTime and the reason for the change should be noted.
Make sure you save after any changes
6Extended TimesheetAny time worked over and above the regular working hours will need to be reflected in NovaTime and require an Extended Timesheet signed by the principal and submitted.
All time-cards need to be approved and attendance in Frontline confirmed so information can be pulled for payroll on the Wednesday following payday. Prior to approving time-cards please verify that the total hours are correct if they are not a note must be included advising if the time short is paid or unpaid. If any changes are made after that you must notify payroll.
Paraprofessionals 70 hours
Library Assistants 70 hours
Computer Assistants 72.5 hours
Nurses 75 hours
Hall Monitors 75 hours
Clerical 80 hours
For record keeping time-cards will be emailed to Principals every other Wednesday afternoon. When reviewing time-cards anything that has something in the In Ex or the Out Ex column is an exception.
G stands for grace
T stands for Tardy
L stands for late
E stands for Early
Any * next to a time means that it was manually entered and there should be a note explaining why it was changed. All leave time should also be noted.