Certified Staff Overload Procedure - Admin Procedure

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      High School Administration

      HS Admin will create and maintain a Staffing/Overload Report each year after student requests and before class sectioning is completed semester/year for the Asst. Superintendent of HR or designee’s review.  

      This report will be updated starting September 1 each school year and reviewed/updated on the 1st of each month thereafter. If there are any changes, HS admin will notify Asst. Superintendent of HR and the HR Executive Administrative Assistant  no later than the 8th of each month. 

      This report will consist of data representing the number of student requests for courses, student to school support personnel ratios, and current staffing levels. overloads by department, including trend data.  

      In order to ensure that Content Leaders have the dedicated time necessary to complete the requirements of the content leader position, Content Leaders will be prohibited from taking an overload. 

      The intent of the report is to assist the Administration, Association and Board in determining the number of teachers for classes offered.

      HS Overload Reports Folder

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      Middle School Administration

      Should the Board determine that it needs to assign one or more middle school teachers an additional teaching assignment in order to meet student needs, the Board shall seek qualified volunteers first before making an involuntary assignment.   

      Before making any involuntary assignments, the Administration will notify and meet with the BEA as to the subject and grade level assignments needed to try to work out how such assignments shall be made.  

      If the Administration and the BEA are unable to agree how such involuntary assignments are made, such assignments shall be rotated among qualified middle school teachers for such subject areas, starting with the least senior qualified teacher.  

      If a teacher is assigned to an additional teaching assignment, the teacher shall be paid a stipend in accordance with ARTICLE 26, Section 13.  Additional Assignment Stipends.  

      During the term of the Agreement stipends for an additional assignment shall be in accordance with “base salary” equal to Step1/BA+6.

      One Semester

      Both Semesters

      High School

      1/10 of base salary

      1/5 of base salary

      Middle School Core

      1/10 of base salary

      1/5 of base salary


      1/12 of base salary

      1/6 of base salary


      1/20 of base salary

      1/10 of base salary

       In lieu of a required duty assignment, a middle school teacher may volunteer to teach an additional class.   

      In such event the teacher shall receive a stipend and would not be required to attend the “team” planning period.  

      Middle school performance class loads shall be limited to 60 students per grade level. Should those limits be exceeded, the building administrator will seek teacher input in identifying supports for the middle school program and determine a solution within five school days to be implemented as soon as reasonably possible. (e.g. offer an overload assignment to an in-district fine arts teacher, hire a part-time or full-time teacher, etc.)

      Starting September 1 each school year and reviewed/updated on the 1st of each month thereafter. If there are any changes, MS admin will notify Asst. Superintendent of HR and the HR Executive Administrative Assistant  no later than the 8th of each month.
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      Elementary Administration

      Elementary Special Education teachers who miss 125 minutes worth of planning and prep time a week will receive the stipend of 1/10 “base salary” equal to Step1/BA+6. Any additional missed planning time occurring on a weekly basis will be calculated at a percentage of the 125 minutes and a percentage of the 1/10 “base salary” equal to Step1/BA+6.  Example: 50 minutes (art) + 50 minutes (music) = 80% x 1/10th of Step1/BA+6.

      For situations where the sections of art and music teachers exceed the maximum by two additional sections, section 57 & 58, they will be compensated at the internal sub rate. Section 59 and 60 would be compensated using the Additional Assignment stipend language.


      Maximum 25 Minute Sections Without Additional Compensation 
      (50 minute section counts as two 25 minute sections)

      Physical Education

      11 Daily Sections


      56 Weekly Sections


      56 Weekly Sections


      56 Weekly Sections

      Starting September 1 each school year and reviewed/updated on the 1st of each month thereafter. If there are any changes, Elementary admin will notify Asst. Superintendent of HR and the HR Executive Administrative Assistant  no later than the 8th of each month.