Parent Newsletter SOP
Updated 9/6/2022
By Cassandra Schug and Jeanine Hadley
School Messenger Quick Start Guide (reference tool for building newsletters in the platform)
By Cassandra Schug and Jeanine Hadley
School Messenger Quick Start Guide (reference tool for building newsletters in the platform)
1Newsletter Content/TimelinesNewsletter content and timelines are provided to designated clerical/administration at each building before the start of the new school year from the Social Media Coordinator.
First building newsletter is pushed out in September. -
2Reminder NotificationSocial Media Coordinator sends out a reminder email to clerical/admin (a week before it is due) notifying them of the given timeline.
Newsletters are typically sent out to families on the first Friday of the month.
Dates for newsletter are altered at times if needed based upon breaks/holidays. -
3DraftA draft is requested (from the buildings) to the Social Media Coordinator (the Tuesday or Wednesday) before the letter is pushed out to families. Buildings notify the Social Media Coordinator once their draft letter has been completed.
4Review ProcessSocial Media Coordinator reviews newsletters for content, link accuracy and proofreading before the newsletters are pushed out to families.
5ResourcesReminder tips, tools, and topics are provided to buildings (clerical and admin) by the Social Media Coordinator to utilize and make the newsletters more uniformed.
6District ContentIf there is a need for district level communication/content that is added from the Social Media Coordinator and buildings are notified of the given topic, that content will be added to their school-based letters.
7Content/Timeline ReviewSocial Media Coordinator at the end of year reviews dates and topics in the following document before pushing it back out to clerical/admin for the upcoming year.
8Review ProcessCentral Office cabinet members review newsletter readability/open rates and makes goals with monitoring targets where appropriate.
Buildings can also access their newsletter data specific to their individual school for the same purpose. -