Secondary Field Trip SOP
Updated 11/3/22
Revised 9/26/24
Board Policy Reference: 6:240 Field Trips (updated 8/21/23)
Individual School Field Trip Google Forms
Transportation Request Form
Field Trip Permission Form (Spanish)
Applicable SOP: Volunteer Form/Process
Revised 9/26/24
Board Policy Reference: 6:240 Field Trips (updated 8/21/23)
Individual School Field Trip Google Forms
Transportation Request Form
Field Trip Permission Form (Spanish)
Applicable SOP: Volunteer Form/Process
1Request for Field Trip...(45-30 school days before trip)
- At least 45 school days, a school-level club and activity sponsors should meet with administration or their designee to determine if a field trip during the school day is educational appropriate to miss a school day of instruction. If administration or their designee deems appropriate, staff members continues process of requesting a field trip.
- Staff member completes the request/Google Form at least 30 school days prior to the trip.
- This form response will be sent to the designated building admin/OP for approval.
- Any anticipated cost should be reviewed with admin prior to field trip/Google form is completed. There should be no undue cost or fees placed on the school for additional volunteers, chaperones, or staff to attend.
- Once the information has been submitted the designated admin will approve or disapprove the field trip and will notify the staff member that requests the field trip.
2Once the field trip is approved...(15 school days before trip)
- The following form is to be completed if transportation is needed for the trip (15 days in advance).
- Upload the transportation for doc to the field trip Google form for your school
- If needed, the field trip sponsor uses the volunteer SOP to secure volunteers no later than one week prior to the field trip date.
- Principal or admin designee looks into nursing needs/services/availability.
- Administration or designee notifies the building level food service department of the date an approximate number of students who might not need food options for that day.
- Building admin or designee enters in the field trip in the D100 Field Trip Planning Google Calendar
- Each school admin and staff shall determine the appropriate criteria for students to be able to attend a field trip (ie. student in good standing, grade factors, etc.)
- Once reviewed by the designated admin the office (admin/OP) will email the completed form to transportation
3Permission Slips...(10-5 school days before trip)
- Field trip permission forms (attached above) are to be completed in advance by the staff member.
- Staff member uploads the permission form when completing the Field Trip Form Google doc for their designated school.
- Teacher (once the field trip has been approved) will send the permission forms home to families prior to the trip.
- Teacher needs to have these forms back for consent/permission for students to participate in the field trip.
- The field trip sponsor shall provide a list of approved students to the school office of who is attending the field trip (students and volunteers) 5 school days prior to the field trip date to be able to notified other teachers/staff of students not in attendance of the day of the field tip.
4Overnight Field TripsRefer to Board Policy 6.240
All field trips must have the Superintendent or designee's prior approval, except that field trips extending beyond two overnights must have the prior approval of the School Board. Field trips to State or National competitions for extra curricular or athletic events do not need prior Board approval. The Superintendent or designee shall analyze the following factors to determine whether to approve a field trip: educational value, student safety, parent concerns, heightened security alerts, and liability concerns. On all field trips, a bus fee set by the Superintendent or designee may be charged to help defray the transportation costs
If you have an overnight field trip that needs Superintendent or designee's approval (2 or less overnight stay), the sponsoring staff member needs to supply the following before final approval and student permission slips distributed:
1. Accommodation plan for students and staff, estimated cost, payment plan.
2. Transportation plan.
3. Prepare a list of all possible students and chaperones attending field trip, finalized list supplied to Chief Financial & Operations Officer 24 hrs before trip takes place.