Superintendent School Visit SOP

    Updated 7/23/2021

    1. District and school leaders are able to learn from what other schools are doing

    2. Interested staff have an opportunity to hear from the superintendent and ask questions

    3. The superintendent is able to:

      1. Spend time with students in their learning environment

      2. Convey a message to staff for the  first half of the school year, including the district scorecard

      3. Listen to concerns, ideas, and goals from staff

      4. Determine big areas of strength and opportunities for improvement within the district ecosystem

      5. Raise employee confidence and decrease anxiety

    4. The district is able to build capacity for showcasing school innovation to external stakeholders. 

    Supporting Resources:
    1. Exit survey for visiting administrators

    2. HRS Indicators

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      • Principal confirms date of visit (November - February) with the Superintendent's secretary.
      • Admin are able to sign up for visits to other schools. 4-5 slots will be available per school (4 elementary, 5 secondary)

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      Before the Visit

      The Principal:
      • Creates schedule timeline (see example schedule).  May use staff input in determining the schedule.

      • Creates a 30 minute presentation on school HRS efforts.

      • Asks 5-8 staff members to be on the after-school Q/A panel.

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      1 Week Before the Visit

      The Principal:
      • Communicates the visit date with staff.

      • Communicates the difference between the visit date and the town-hall date.

      • Shares agenda with visiting team.

      • Shares most recent HRS survey data with visiting team.

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      One Week After Visit

      The Superintendent provides feedback to visited classrooms.
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