06.40 AP Curriculum Development

    Faculty Curriculum Committee

    The Faculty Curriculum Committee assists in the District’s curriculum planning process and provides the Superintendent with recommendations and supportive summaries.  The Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity only.

    The Faculty Curriculum Committee will:

    1. Engage in two-way communication with teachers in order to address questions and concerns, keep everyone informed, and cooperatively strive for continuous improvement.

    2. Provide systemwide coordination of curriculum and student learning experiences.

    3. Identify and categorize problems related to curriculum.

    4. Research instructional methods and curriculum, utilizing available resources.

    5. Engage in long-range planning for the continuous improvement of the curriculum.

    The Superintendent or designee appoints Committee members and directs the Committee providing specific tasks and timeframes.

    Curriculum Guides and Course Outlines

    Development of guides:

    1. Curriculum guides are best developed by the staff and teachers who are to use them.

    2. When entire staff participation is not feasible, the Superintendent or designee will direct staff representatives and/or relevant department heads to study, create, and revise the guides.

    3. Completed guides will be given to the Superintendent.

    Use of guides:

    1. Curriculum guides serve as a framework from which a teacher will develop units of study, individual lesson plans, and approaches to instruction that will serve the students’ particular needs at a particular time.  The guides shall be used to map the logical sequence of instruction.

    2. In subjects where sequence is important, such as mathematics, teachers shall be expected to adhere to the guide.  In subjects where sequential learning is less important, the teacher may be given a greater degree of freedom in respect to sequence.

    3. In all cases, sufficient latitude shall be permitted to provide the teacher with time to teach the current, topical, and incidental issues that add to motivation and meaningful teaching and learning.

    4. The Building Principal and/or department heads shall see that optimum use is made of available curriculum guides.

    UPDATED: June 23, 2023