EL Student Enrollment SOP: Current Student in D100 Identified as EL

    1. Follow this process when a student enrolls in our district and or a current student in our district is identified of another language other than English is indicated on the Home Language Survey (HLS)

    2. For K-12 students only

    Home Language Surveys (39 languages)

    WIDA Screener

    ISBE- Screening for English Language Proficiency

    EL Kindergarten Enrollment

    EL Documents (notice of enrollment, program description)

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      Student/Parent/Guardian Requesting EL Course Change

      School counselor will take note of the request. School counselors will communicate the request with the current teacher as well as EL teachers and request feedback. If it is deemed necessary to make a schedule change and it is within the first two weeks of the semester the school counselor will make a schedule change. If it's after the two weeks, the counselor must get approval by an administrator or wait after the semester has ended to make the change.
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      Student or Parent/Guardian Requesting EL Program Change

      If a parent/guardian or student 18 years of age or older requests a change in programming, the Bilingual coordinator will communicate with the parent and encourage the program placement to take place at the start of the semester. The Bilingual coordinator will get the appropriate documentations signed. After the documentation is signed,the Bilingual coordinator will contact the building secretary or school counselor to alert them of the change.
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      After Placement Decision

      Once placement decisions have been agreed upon, HS counselors or building secretaries (Elementaries) or principal designee  will create student schedules and communicate with current and new teachers to make a proper placement. (at semester)
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