Attendance SOP
Attendance Codes for Elementary
Attendance Codes for Secondary
Cognos Report MD
Screencastify Presentation
1Menu Path
To enter a student's attendance you will need to go into Eschool. On the left hand side select MENU and click on ATTENDANCE.
2Search Options
If you have already searched the student it will take you right to their yearly attendance view. If you have not searched the student before it will as you to type in the name or Id for the student. Once you have typed the information in you will select the two arrow keys (reload) on the right.
3Dates Selection
This will show a screen with calendars for the rest of the school year. You will click on the date/or dates you wish to enter information for. When you click on it a “Checkmark” will appear. Once you have all dates selected you will select the small “paper” icon on the top right.
You will see a screen with the student’s schedule. In the code you will put the type of absence that it is (EXE, UNEXE, MED, etc.). If you are able to put in a dismiss or arrival time please do so. If that is all the codes you need to enter you will save with the floppy icon on the top right.
See Elementary Truancy or Secondary Truancy SOPs for further information regarding coding of unverified/verified absences.
5Mass Update (Secondary Only)
If you would like to add the same code to the whole day you are able to select mass update attendance on the same screen. You will enter the code. Select the two arrows. This will add the code to each period on your list. Once that is complete you will save using the small floppy on the right hand side.
6NEW 2022 Mental Health Days (MHD)
Public Act 102-266, House Bill 576
The Compulsory Attendance Article of the School Code is amended to allow students to take up to five absences for mental or behavioral health; after the second mental health day used, they may be referred to the appropriate school support personnel.
Link to full Public Act 102-266
Use of up to 5 excused absences without a medical note
Opportunity to make up any missed school work
After second mental health day is used, may be referred to school support personnel
Considered a “valid cause” for absence; Chronic truant is defined as child who is absent without valid cause
General Steps Taken at School Level:
Parent notifies the school that their child is absent and using a mental health day.
Secretary codes the mental health day.
When attendance is pulled monthly (or more frequently), staff (admin or secretary) will sort by mental health day code and create a list of students who have utilized more than 2 days.
If 2 days have been utilized, a referral to social worker (elem level) or counselor (MS/HS level) should be made for an initial session. Admin/ school support personnel may use judgment if the days are more than 3 months apart.