Technology Purchasing (Macro) SOP

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      Step 1

      Department/School has researched and determined a program of interest (based upon an unmet need or in alignment to building or district goals).

      • Needs Assessment; Identify problem/purpose of work, impact, and desired outcome (goal), measures
      • Identify existing resources or look-fors for new resource (ex: multiple language options)
      • Identify roles (leaders and stakeholders) for the project and action planning

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      Step 2

      Form is sent to vendors with listed criteria (the school district needs) to determine potential vendors for the review process.

      Interested party contacts the Compliance Officer to determine if the program is SOPPA compliant.

      If there is not an existing agreement District 100 would need to pursue an agreement with the vendor/company to move forward.

      (i.e., complies with SOPPA, integrates with SIS, etc.)
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      Step 3

      Identify Budget Parameters:

      • Building or department seeks a quote (from the company/program) to make the determination if funding is available and how the purchase would be funded.
      • In determining a potential purchase, team or department should review funding implications over multiple years if it is not a yearly contract.
      • Team should research multiple year contracts versus yearly contracts to reduce pricing if possible.

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      Step 4

      Resource identification process (vendors, review, piloting, etc.)
      • Potential committee review process (pros/cons/gaps)

      Technology department determines if the program integrates with other district platforms.

      Examples:  SIS, Rostering Platforms
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      Step 5

      Technology department follows up with the interested purchaser to verify if the program is SOPPA compliant and integrates with our current systems.

      • If yes, follow the outline steps below.
      • If no, program can not be utilized and an alternative needs to be examined.

      Resource Purchase and Coordination (includes notification of IT, other roles, funding access, purchase orders, accounts provisioned, contract review/agreement)
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      Step 6

      Add Tool or Resource to Cataloging System

      Determine a mechanism for teachers to see what tools and resources are available to them

      (Need to create document)
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      Step 7

      Add to Contract Documentation (for internal and external purposes) and track when the contract expires/terms
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      Step 8

      Establish Long & Short Term Goals; Identify data sources to support measures

      Determine who is responsible to follow up on goal attainment and implementation success (names lead role and involved stakeholders)
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      Step 9

      Prior to Implementing:

      Develop an Implementation/Monitoring Plan

      • Who participates (where’s the best place to start)

      • Extent of implementation

      • Implementation parameters/expectations

      • Timeline/frequency for measurement/review

      • Training needed

      • Feedback to collect and when

      • Timeline for implementation

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      Step 10

      Based on Determined Timeline:

      Monitor Usage/Identified Measures (different measures may have different timelines)

      • Student performance

      • Usage

      • User feedback

      • Associated practices

      • Reflect, Share Data, & Determine Next Steps

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