06.50 E4 Classroom Rewards
Classroom Rewards
A smile
Going first
Verbal praise
Sit by friends
Teaching the class
Helping the teacher
Enjoy class outdoors
A field trip for the class
Choosing a class activity
Walk with a teacher during lunch
Eat lunch outdoors with the class
Eat lunch with a teacher or principal
Extra credit or class participation points
Taking care of the class animal for a day
Have lunch or breakfast in the classroom
A photo recognition board in a prominent location in the school
A note from the teacher to the student commending his or her achievement
A phone call, e-mail or letter sent home to parents or guardians commending a child’s accomplishment
Recognition of a child’s achievement on the school-wide morning announcements or school website
Ribbon, certificate in recognition of achievement or a sticker with an affirming message (e.g. “great job”)
Take a trip to the treasure box (filled with: stickers, temporary tattoos, pencils, pens, highlighters, sidewalk chalk, notepads, erasers, bookmarks, etc.)
DATED: January 2012
UPDATED: January 2014