07.40 AP Placement of Nonpublic School Students Transferring Into the District



    Parent(s)/guardian(s) of a nonpublic school student transferring into the District

    Shall perform all school admission requirements contained in School Board policy 7:50, School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools, and administrative procedure 7:50-AP, School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools.

    Building Principal or designee

    Meets with parent(s)/guardian(s) to discuss appropriate placement.

    Inquires about the student’s special interests, concerns, and goals.

    Administers a Student Home Language Survey. ISBE provides Sample Home Language Surveys that are available in English and twenty-nine other languages under the Home Language Surveys tab at: isbe.net/Pages/Screeing-for-English-La....

    Determines achievement level based on interviews, school records, achievement testing, and/or other appropriate means.

    Considers special circumstances, e.g., whether the student: is gifted, is accelerated, has a disability, is homeless, has limited English proficiency, is part of a migrant or refugee family, has special medical needs, or has other needs.

    Before making a placement decision, seeks input from appropriate school personnel.

    Awards credits and determines placement.

    Course credit awarded to students transferring from a non-graded school or a school that is not recognized by the state education agency, will be given the grade of “P” for passing with no letter or numerical designation for the level of proficiency.

    Completes other enrollment procedures.

    UPDATED:    June 2024