ACCESS Framework

    District 100
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      Student Identification- July

      Identify which students need to take ACCESS

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      Student Reports (Printing)- August

      For identified students:  Buildings print student reports in English and home language (buildings)

      Instructions on how to get student sheet in home language
    3. 3

      Sending Home (Reports/Parent Notification)- September

      Buildings send home required materials by the second Friday of the month.
      If a student is no longer in the buildings school secretaries will send the reports to the new school.

      Parent Letter Span/Eng.

      Parent Guide Eng.

      Parent Guide Span.

      Alt. ACCESS Parent Guide Eng.

      Alt. ACCESS Parent Guide Span.

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      Identification of ACCESS School Coordinator- October

      Building Admin notify Bilingual director who will be the ACCESS school coordinator.
      Schools notify CO what test materials are needed.
      Central Office will order test materials in AMS.
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      Teacher Certification- November/December

      Identify which teacher is administering ACCESS (EL or SPED teachers).  Test administrators update their WIDA ACCESS credentials and take the required tests as needed.
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      Scheduling- December

      Buildings submit their ACCESS schedules to Central Office- EL Department.
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      Testing Window- January & February

      Students take ACCESS or alternative ACCESS.
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