Physical Restraint and Time Out SOP
1Following Incident (Same Day)
- Student is checked by the nurse
- Building admin is notified
- Contact Parents (phone call preferred)
2Following Incident (Within 24 Hours)
- Team document on ISBE form (English/Spanish)
- Behavior Log is attached to the ISBE form
- Team member or administration fills out google form attaching completed ISBE form.
The ISBE form and Behavior Log are to be placed and maintained in the student's temporary record file.
Team member needs to send parents via email and standard mail the following:
Parent letter (available in English and Spanish)
ISBE rule on restraint and time out (23 Ill. Admin. Code §1.285)
- Explanation of Procedural Safeguards (Spanish)/504
4District 100 Reporting (within 48 hours of incident)Quality Assurance Director is notified and submits to state reporting system (SIS) within 48 hours
5RTO Parent Meeting
Offered to family with the documentation emailed/mailed home (in step 3)
If parent requests a meeting, one has to be scheduled within 2 days of that request
If meeting is held the following form is to be completed
Copies to all parties that attend the meeting
Documentation housed in the child's temporary record file
If parent does not request a meeting, that needs to be documented in Embrace and with a letter or email placed in the child's temporary record file
RTO parent meeting must be separate from a student’s IEP meeting or Section 504 meeting
63 RTOs within 30 Days
- In addition to offering the RTO follow up meetings, if there are 3 RTOs (Physical Restraint or Time Out) within 30 days the following must happen in addition to the standard protocol
- Meeting is required/One has to be scheduled
- IEP meeting (if they have an IEP)
- If they do not have an IEP consider the potential need for special education
- Meeting is required/One has to be scheduled
- In addition to offering the RTO follow up meetings, if there are 3 RTOs (Physical Restraint or Time Out) within 30 days the following must happen in addition to the standard protocol
7Additional Resources
Board Policy Reference: 7:190
Parent Letter (Spanish/English)
IEP Parental Safeguards (English & Spanish) and 504 Safeguards