McKinneyVento/Homeless District-Level SOP
1Homeless Indication by Family
A family indicates that they are in a temporary living situation.
Registrar or School Homeless Liaison assists the family with filling out the green McKV Form.
Registrar or School Homeless Liaison assists family with the Free/Reduced Meals form (when form becomes available on a yearly basis).
If the student is an unaccompanied minor (no guardianship paperwork), then a Caregiver Form is required in addition to the McKV Form.
All forms are then turned into the OP for Academic Support.
Assistant Superintendent signs the forms. Forms are kept on file by the OP.
2Address Check
- OP for Academic Support cross checks the address on the form with what is currently in eschool.
- If the address is different, OP will contact eschool OP so the change can be made in the system.
3eSchool Indicator
- In eSchool, the OP for Academic Support will select the supports needed (indicated by the family on the McKV Form) by checking the boxes and clicking save.
- This information is used for State reporting at the end of the school year.
- OP for Academic Support will add the student information to the McKVento Spreadsheet.
- OP will indicate Y if transportation is needed and highlight the Y if the family is living outside the district.
- If family is living outside the district, then the Cost Sharing form is completed and signed by the Assistant Superintendent and given to the CFO.
- OP will email the Director of Transportation when students have been added to the spreadsheet and transportation has been selected.
5Free/Reduced Lunch Form
- OP for Academic Support will check that the form has been signed by school/district personnel and the parent/guardian.
- OP will turn form into the Food Service Director.
6End of Year
- OP for Academic Support will provide necessary reports to the State.
- OP for Academic Support will close out any McKVento indicators in eschool. Families have to indicate their living status on a yearly basis.