Safe Storage of Hazardous Chemicals Policy
By maximising awareness of the potential hazards of chemicals and equipment, we aim to minimise the risk of harm to educators, staff, children and families by ensuring hazardous products are safely stored, handled, and controlled.NATIONAL QUALITY STANDARD (NQS)
QUALITY AREA 2: Children's Health and Safety |
2.2 | Safety | Each child is protected |
2.2.1 | Supervision | At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard |
Our School aims to protect children, families and visitors from hazard and harm at all times. We promote the use of environmentally friendly products where possible and ensure we provide a safe environment where chemicals and hazardous products and equipment are safely stored and managed away from children and are handled appropriately.SCOPE
This policy applies to children, families, staff, management, and visitors of the School.IMPLEMENTATION
Management will ensure:
- that every practical measure is taken to protect children being educated and cared for by the School from harm and any hazard likely to cause injury (National Law - section 167)
- a smoke free environment is provided to children, staff, families and visitors at all times
- all dangerous goods and hazardous substances are identified within the School and included in the chemical register
- the Poison Hotline number is clearly displayed near the First Aid Kit/ in each room
- a risk assessment has been conducted in consultation with the Health and Safety Representative prior to using any potentially dangerous or hazardous substance (including pesticides and herbicides)
- educators adhere to the School procedures for dealing with and handling chemicals
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and the Chemical Register is readily available and regularly updated
- appropriate training and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is provided for employees who may be exposed to dangerous goods and/or hazardous substances
- relevant signage is displayed highlighting the hazardous nature of chemicals used or stored in the School (e.g. Caution- Chemical Storage Area; Danger; Hazardous Chemicals)
- laundry and nappy change facilities are located and maintained in a way that prevents unsupervised access by children
- all products/chemicals used for laundry purposes are locked in a cupboard inaccessible to children
- there are emergency procedures and practices for accidental spills and/or contamination and corresponding first aid plans for all dangerous goods handled and stored in the School
- action is taken to remove any pests or vermin by a licensed exterminator, who will provide the School with a certificate of currency. Initially, using non-chemical methods such as physical removal, maintaining a clean environment, and use of any non-toxic products will be implemented.
Nominated Supervisor / Responsible Person will Ensure:
- at least one educator/staff member is in attendance on the premises with ACECQA approved first aid qualifications at all times
- all staff are made aware of correct storage and usage procedures for potentially hazardous materials during their initial orientation at the School
- there are appropriate and lockable storage facilities in the School in which dangerous products are stored
- lockable storage facilities are clearly marked with signage to indicate chemicals/hazardous materials
- dangerous products will be stored in areas of the School that are not accessible to children or in cupboards fitted with key or childproof locks
- a hazardous substances register is used and regularly updated
- a risk assessment for any dangerous materials stored in bulk within the education and care premises has been carried out and is regularly updated
- Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are maintained at the School. Safety Data Sheets must be kept on all chemicals used on the premises. Work Health and Safety (WH&S) officers are to keep this information up to date at all times, with a review of the folder annually. No SDS is to be more than 5 years old.
- chemicals in spray bottles are clearly labelled with contents and are not used with children in the immediate vicinity
- in the event of any incident involving accidental exposure to chemicals or other hazards or incident involving possible poisoning, an Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Record will be completed
- if a serious incident occurs involving the need for medical intervention or emergency services, notification is made to the Regulator Authority within 24 hours
- seek medical advice if needed by contacting the Poisons Information Line (13 11 26) or by calling 000
- wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when handling dangerous substances or materials
- not use spray bottles containing chemicals in the immediate vicinity of any child or children
- read the label before using any cleaning material, sprays or chemicals and strictly adhere to the ‘Directions for use’ and be aware of appropriate first aid measures
- store all dangerous products in well-labelled and original containers that preferably have child resistant lids and caps in a secure and locked place/cupboard, inaccessible to children
- ensure all chemicals and cleaning products are returned to their designated location immediately upon completion of cleaning tasks
- not mix cleaning products as there is the potential for harmful chemical reactions to occur endangering all persons on the premises
- dispose of all products safely, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions on the product label, Work Health and Safety regulations, and Council by-laws
- be encouraged to attend professional development sessions to maximise their awareness of dangerous products and potential hazards, and source chemical free methods to reduce possible hazards in the education and care service
- ensure cleaning and hazardous products are not stored close to food products
- consider minimising the use of dangerous products in the education and care service and use alternate ‘green cleaning’ options
- complete daily and quarterly WHS checklists to ensure that any dangerous products used within the School have current Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and are stored appropriately
- only administer children’s medications with parent/guardian authorisation and in accordance with medical directions (see Administration of Medication Policy)
- ensure medication is stored in an area inaccessible to children
- ensure any medications or dangerous substances that requires refrigeration, be placed in a labelled childproof container, preferably in a separate compartment of the fridge
- keep all button batteries and all other batteries out of reach of children
- check that all remotes, toys and products containing button batteries have a screw to secure them
- dispose of or recycle used button batteries immediately at a battery disposal centre near to the school.
Many products and materials that are used and kept within the School are potentially poisonous to children. Poisonings can happen quickly. Toddlers are most at risk due to their tendency to put objects in their mouths.Poisonous substances may include medication, household cleaners, garden products, paint, cosmetics, toiletries, chemicals, batteries, pest control and petroleum products. Our School will ensure all items that may cause harm to children are inaccessible. Staff will keep their personal items in a cupboard/locker which is inaccessible to children.
Poisonous plants and trees can also cause safety risk to children and should be identified in any risk assessment conducted at the School and risk mitigation strategies implemented including removal of any potentially dangerous/poisonous plants and trees. Our School will display a notice detailing the Poison information hotline in visible positions within the service premises.
Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). (2019). Approved First AidQualifications:
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority, 2014.
Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics. (2016).
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010. (Amended 2018).
Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2011).
Frith, J., Kambouris, N., & O’Grady, O. (2003). Health & safety in children’s centres: Model policies & practices (2nd Ed.)
Guide to the National Quality Framework. (2017). (amended 2020).
Guide to the National Quality Standards. (2017).
NSW Government: Workcover. (n.d.) (current). Storage and handling of dangerous goods: Code of practice 2005.
Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2000. Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2001.
The NSW Work Health and Safety Act, 2011
Revised National Quality Standards. (2018).
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