Physical Environment Policy


    The physical environment can contribute to children’s wellbeing, happiness, and creativity as well as promoting the development of independence. It can contribute to and make visible the quality of children’s learning and involvement in experiences. The choices made in an education and care service about resources, materials, spaces, layout, air, and light in combination with access to a range of experiences in the indoor and outdoor areas, have a direct impact on the quality of learning opportunities available to children. 


    QUALITY AREA 2: Children's Health and Safety
    2.1Health   Each child’s health and physical activity is supported and promoted.   
    2.1.1Wellbeing and comfort   Each child’s wellbeing and comfort is provided for, including appropriate opportunities to meet each child’s needs for sleep, rest and relaxation. 
    2.1.2Health practices and procedures   Effective illness and injury management and hygiene practices are promoted and implemented. 
    2.1.3Healthy Lifestyles   Healthy eating and physical activity are promoted and appropriate for each child.   
    2.2Safety   Each child is protected.   
    2.2.1Supervision   At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard. 
    2.2.2Incident and emergency management   Plans to effectively manage incidents and emergencies are developed in consultation with relevant authorities, practiced and implemented. 

    QUALITY AREA 3: Physical Environment 
    3.1.1Fit for Purpose   Outdoor and indoor spaces, buildings, fixtures and fittings are suitable for their purpose, including supporting the access of every child. 
    3.1.2Upkeep   remises, furniture and equipment are safe, clean and well maintained. 



    Our School will ensure the environment is safe, stimulating, clean, and well maintained for children, families, educators, and visitors. Children’s awareness of the environment and sustainable practice will be supported through daily practices, resources and interactions. The physical environment will support children’s participation and engagement, development, learning, and safety, and will provide supervised access to positive experiences and inclusive relationships. Our Service provides an environment free from the use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs.  


    This policy applies to children, families, educators, staff, Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor, students, volunteers, visitors and management of the School.


    Our School is committed to providing an environment that promotes safety and enhances children’s learning and development. 

    The Approved Provider, Nominated Supervisor and educators’ responsibilities include the following: 

    Physical environment is designed to: 
    • maximise children’s engagement and positive experiences 
    • provide space where children can experience quality care in a safe and healthy environment 
    • meet licensing requirements for buildings, space requirements, fencing, light, ventilation, firefighting equipment, emergency evacuation exits and safety glass for National Regulations, the Building Code of Australia (BCA), WA of Planning and Environment, local councils and regulatory authorities provide adequate storage to meet the needs and requirements of the service provide sufficient and accessible handwashing, toileting, eating, and sleeping facilities 
    • ensure toileting and hand-washing facilities are accessible from both the indoor and outdoor environments 
    • ensure adequate and appropriate hygienic facilities for nappy changing are provided, which are soundly constructed ensuring children’s safety 
    • provide appropriate areas for food preparation  
    • provide a separate indoor space for children who are under two years of age  
    • provide an area for managerial purposes, consultation with children’s parents and for private conversations to occur  
    • incorporate natural and artificial lighting, appropriate ventilation, heating, cooling and fresh air into the building/premises 
    • facilitate adequate supervision of children at all times including toilets and nappy change facilities 
    • ensure safety and minimal disruption for children whilst playing 
    • provide different types of play to occur both in the indoor and outdoor areas (e.g., quiet play areas and loud play areas) 
    • provide adequate shade for children in accordance with the recommendations of relevant authorities 
    • provide shade in the form of trees or physical shade structures 
    • provide a natural environment for children to explore and experience which may include plants, trees, gardens, rock, mud and/or water 
    • ensure all required fencing is compliant with current regulations and is maintained to ensure it is in good condition (including self-closing gates with safety locking mechanisms and boundary fencing) 
    • provide a variety of indoor and outdoor experiences, catering for children’s interests and abilities 
    • provide a developmentally appropriate environment where children can explore, solve problems, create, construct and engage in critical thinking 
    • provide an environment that permits children to participate in activities independently or in small groups, and access resources autonomously 
    • ensure safety of children at all times. Non-fixed play equipment in the School's grounds can be no more than one metre high and must be supervised at all times by an educator. 
    • power points not in use have safety caps, all double adaptors and power-boards are out of reach of children, and all electrical cords are secured and not dangling 
    • Choose appropriate resources and equipment 
    • appropriately sized furniture and equipment will be provided in both the indoor and outdoor environment for the age ranges represented in the service 
    • children will be supported to access appropriate furniture, resources, materials, toys and equipment that encourage appropriate challenges and risk taking in accordance with their individual developmental level 
    • resources will be adequate in number for the number of children attending our School and be developmentally appropriate 
    • specific equipment requirements of children with additional needs will be catered for to ensure an inclusive environment 
    • resources and equipment will be chosen to reflect the cultural diversity of the Service’s community and the cultural diversity of contemporary Australia, including the incorporation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community 
    • large purchases of equipment will be the responsibility of the Approved Provider 
    • the Nominated Supervisor is responsible for consumables and the daily running purchases of the service 
    • educators will provide ideas for equipment and materials purchase based on the needs and interests of children in their particular studio
    • educators will complete a log for the Nominated Supervisor of equipment that needs maintenance on a prioritised basis 
    • children’s ideas and suggestions in planning the indoor and outdoor environments will be facilitated 
    • children will be encouraged to make decisions about the use of equipment and resources 
    • the School will actively seek the input of parents/guardians regarding current interests of their children so as to purchase appropriate toys and equipment 
    • climbing equipment will be installed according to manufacturers’ recommendations and compliant with Australian Safety Standards. For example, incorporating soft fall materials wherever climbing equipment is set up.  
    • incorporate commercial, natural, recycled, homemade, and real resources that can be used in a variety of ways to encourage children’s learning and creativity 
    • all equipment and resources including cots, highchairs, etc. meet relevant Australian Standards and educators are trained in correct maintenance and assembly 
    • educators discuss the safety characteristics of using toys and equipment with children 
    • educators will participate in on-going professional development in order to enhance children’s learning and ensuring a safe and educational environment 
    • a maintenance log and register of toys and equipment is maintained by educators and the nominated supervisor 
    Laundering of Soiled Items 
    • laundry and hygienic facilities are located and maintained in a way that do not pose a risk to children 
    • adequate storage is provided 
    • soiled clothing will be returned to a child’s home for laundering in a wet bag provided by the School
    • educators will remove soiled content and place into a reusable, washable Akidamy wet bag.


    Sleep/Rest Environment educators and staff will strictly adhere to the Sleep and Rest Policy and procedures 
    • all cots must meet the mandatory Australian Standard for Cots- (AS/NZS 2172) 
    • mattresses should be in good condition- clean, firm and flat and fit the cot base with no more than 20mm gap between the mattress sides and ends 
    • cots and beds will be positioned to encourage a calm and relaxing environment. There will be a minimum space of 300mm between each cot to reduce the possibility of cross infection.  
    • cots and beds will be regularly checked to ensure all bolts and fittings are secure and safe 
    • mattresses will be located in an area that is easy to access for all educators and other staff. 
    • mattresses will be stored in a dry area 
    • educators will ensure to use correct manual handling techniques when moving the cots 
    • mattresses should not be placed on high shelves or in unstable or difficult to reach stacks 
    • light bedding will be used for cots and beds 
    • checks will be made to identify any hazards to ensure a safe environment 
    • hanging cords, strings from blinds, curtains or electrical devices will be away from cots and mattresses 
    Ongoing Maintenance  
    • the School will continuously reflect on its environment and put in place a plan to ensure that the environment reflects our ideology of providing an environment that is safe, stimulating, and engaging for all who interact within it 
    • frequent risk assessments of the indoor and outdoor environment will be conducted in order to minimise risk and hazards 
    • the Nominated Supervisor will document required maintenance in a maintenance plan/log for the School as required
    • repairs and maintenance will be conducted throughout the year according to priority including, hazard removal, safety precautions.
    • the Nominated Supervisor is responsible for engaging an external expert to complete a building safety checklist of the service and its grounds bi-annually and ensure any work deemed necessary is completed to Australian standards  
    • the Service will have regular pest inspections carried out by an accredited pest control company. Documentation of these inspections will be kept and any further recommended treatments as a result of the findings from the pest control check will be carried out in a timely manner.
     Grouping of Children  
    • our School groups the children according to their age and/or developmental stage. Within that space, there are a variety of different learning areas and opportunities for play experiences 
    • each age group has different legally required adult to child ratios, which are adhered to at all times in both the indoor and outdoor environment 
    • our indoor and outdoor environment provides opportunities for developmentally appropriate planned experiences, intentional teaching, and spontaneous play throughout the day.
    Daily Safety Checks 
    A daily inspection of the premises will be undertaken before children begin to arrive. The Opening Checklist and Outdoor Cleaning/Safety Checklist will be used as the procedure to conduct these safety checks. A record of these will be kept by the service. The Approved Provider/Nominated Supervisor will make the appropriate arrangements to have any identified repairs carried out as soon as possible. (see checklists in resource section of policy).
    This inspection will include the: 
    • service perimeters  
    • fences/fence line 
    • gates 
    • paths 
    • buildings  
    • all rooms accessible by children 
    • fixed equipment 
    • sand pit 
    This must be completed in order to identify any dangerous objects in the grounds ranging from sharps to poisonous or dangerous plants and animals. In the event of a sharp object being found (for example a syringe) educators will wear gloves and use tongs to pick up the object and place it in the ‘sharp object box’. This box will be disposed of as per the recommendations of our local council.  
    Similarly, trees in the grounds must be checked regularly for overhanging, dead, or dangerous looking branches as well as checked for any infestations. 



    • a cleaner will conduct a thorough clean daily between the hours of 14:00-18:00
    • the School will use structured cleaning checklists to ensure that all cleaning is carried out regularly and thoroughly 
    • educators will help clean the service at the end of each day and throughout the day as needed 
    • accidents and spills will be cleaned up as quickly as possible to ensure that the service always maintains a high level of cleanliness and hygiene 
    • educators and staff will adhere to our Health and Safety Policy. 
    When purchasing, storing and/or using any dangerous chemicals, substances, medicines or equipment, our service will:
    • ensure all procedures are followed to maintain a safe environment 
    • adhere to the Service’s Safe Storage of Hazardous Chemicals Policy 
    • adhere at all times to manufacturer’s advice and instructions when using products to clean furniture and equipment at the service 
    • every chemical on site will have a chemical safety data sheet 


    • clear supervision is provided to children when in use (having regard to the need to maintain the rights and dignity of children) 
    • educators and other staff will encourage children to follow appropriate hygiene practices- hand washing, toileting flushing 
    • bathrooms will be cleaned at least twice a day and at other times as required 
    • bathroom floors will be mopped daily 
    • signage is to be used after mopping to ensure that children, educators and other staff and families are aware that the floor is wet 
    • educators are to ensure they follow the bathroom and toilet cleaning procedure.  


    • all fire equipment at our School  will be maintained as per the legal standards 
    • external agencies will be employed to assist the service with this maintenance (if no currently employed staff or educators are qualified to complete the maintenance checks) 
    • ensure batteries in smoke alarms are replaced annually 


    • educators and staff at the School will adhere to our Sun Safety Policy and procedures at all times 
    • a combination of sun protection measures will be implemented whenever UV Index levels reach 3 and above 
    • educators will continue to check the UV rating prior to going outdoors and as the heat increases throughout the day (see Sun Safety Policy for further information) 
    • the temperature of outdoor equipment and surfaces will be monitored during the day to ensure the area and equipment is safe for children to play 


    Regulations state that services in WA are not permitted to have pools unless they existed on the premises before 6 November 1996. However, to stop accidents and illnesses relating to swimming pools, wading pools, water troughs and other water situations our School will: 
    • remove any items or objects that could be used to climb into the fenced area of a pool, trough, or water storage unit e.g., chairs, bins, bikes, and any shrubs or overhanging trees 
    • make sure no child swims or plays in any water without: 
      • risk assessments being completed and approved by the Approved Provider
      • if required/relevant, written permission from family member to learn water safety and swimming 
      • appropriate educator/child ratios in place 
      • having sufficient numbers of educators present who have first aid or recognised water safety and rescue procedures 
    • at all times children near water are closely supervised. A child will never be left unattended near any water. 
    • staff will ensure that all water containers are made inaccessible to children and also make sure children’s play areas are safely fenced off from water hazards such as rivers, dams, creeks, lakes, irrigation channels, wells etc.  
    • all wading pools/water troughs etc. will be immediately emptied after every use: storage will prevent the collection of water e.g., upright/inverted. The grounds will also be checked after rain or watering and water that has collected in holes or containers will be emptied/removed 
    • wading/water troughs are hygienically cleaned, disinfected, and chlorinated appropriately: 
      • on a daily basis remove leaves and debris, hose away surface dirt and scrub inside with disinfectant
      • wash away disinfectant before filling trough. 


    • two educators must close the School each night 
    • both educators are to check the entire premises to ensure that all children and families have departed by checking sign in and out on SmartCentral for all rooms AND physically checking all rooms and areas 
    • educators are to follow School-closing procedures each night (closing checklist)
    • In the case where a parent has omitted to sign their child out, and the educators did not witness the child leave the service, the educators must take every step to get in contact with the parent to ensure the child has safely left the Service 
    • if unable to contact the family, the educators are to contact other educators present on that day for confirmation that the child has been collected. The Nominated Supervisor is to then be notified before leaving the Service 
    • individuals visiting our School must also sign in when they arrive at the Service, and sign out when they leave 
    • details of absences during the day must also be recorded. 


    Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. (2014). 
    Cancer Council NSW:
    Cancer Council Australia. Be SunSmart. 
    Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2011).      
    Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2017). 
    Guide to the National Quality Framework. (2017). (Amended 2020). 
    KidSafe Australia: 
    National Health and Medical Research Council. (2013). Staying healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services. NSW Government Kids and Traffic Early Childhood Road Safety Education Program  
    Red nose Safe environment 
    Revised National Quality Standard. (2018). 
    Swimming Pools Act 1992 
    Work Health and Safety Act 2011



    The following is a guideline. 


    • Building maintenance – regularly maintain and check for hazards, check building is in a safe, clean and hygienic condition. Records of any damage and subsequent repairs are kept
    • Dust mites, pet allergens – regular dusting and vacuuming 
    • Educator’s personal items – Educator’s personal items such as bags, sharp instruments, toiletries and medicines are kept secure and are inaccessible to children in the staff room
    • Ensure children are visible and supervised at all times. High-risk areas and climbing and other outdoor play equipment are supervised at all times. Hazardous equipment, machinery, chemicals, and any other materials is inaccessible to children 
    • Fences – securely and effectively provide a suitable barrier to all sides of outdoor play areas from roads, water hazards, and driveways. Fences have correct height for the purpose. Childproof self-locking devices are installed on gates. 
    • Finger entrapment – all holes or openings in playground equipment are between 8-25 mm to avoid finger entrapment 
    • First aid kit is approved, maintained, and accessible throughout outdoor play 
    • Garbage – safe and prompt disposal. Lidded secure bins are used that prevent child access and are maintained in a clean and safe condition. Our School participates in a recycling program. 
    • Garden and renovation debris removed. Branches and bushes are regularly trimmed 
    • Garages and sheds – are keep locked 
    • Hazardous Plants – are identified and removed or made inaccessible to children 
    • Heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting – is comfortable, safe, maintained, guarded and kept out of reach of children 
    • Machinery, tools and equipment –all engine operated or other hazardous equipment, tools or machinery are stored securely and are inaccessible to children 
    • Non-slip floors, stairs, and steps are used and nonporous indoor floors for easy cleaning. 
    • Renovation - dangers e.g. lead, asbestos, holes and excavations –risks are minimised according to the situation 
    • Pesticide residue - dangerous chemicals are not be used to remove vermin 
    • Pet and animal droppings are cleared or inaccessible to children in outdoor areas, dogs are excluded from children’s play areas, pet interactions with children are supervised 
    • Play equipment that is higher than 50cm has soft fall installed underneath at least 25cm in depth and extends 1.9m from the perimeter of the equipment as per Australian Standards (AS 4685). Outdoor play equipment is placed away from paths and solid garden edging 
    • Play equipment and playground surfaces- temperature of playground equipment and surfaces are checked and monitored throughout the day to ensure children’s safety 
    • Pool safety, fencing and gate compliance, paddling pools are emptied immediately after use, turned upside down, and disinfected if soiled.  
    • Safe play rules and adequate safe play areas – we talk with children about how to play safely. We maintain safe layouts for outdoor play areas to avoid collisions between children. 
    • Safety glass is installed according to the Australian Standards on all glass doors and windows accessible to children, and safety decals on both sliding doors and plate glass doors at child and adult eye level 
    • Sandpits – are covered when not in use, regularly cleaned, raked, and sand soiled by faeces or blood is removed. Sandpits are hosed and disinfected after removing contaminated sand and material 
    • Security - unauthorised access is minimized with appropriate fencing and locks 
    • School car park – we ensure family members are aware of pedestrian safety rules such as holding their child’s hand and alighting children from the safety door. Families must always supervise their children in the car park to prevent accidents and injuries, which could occur as a result of reversing vehicles. 
    • Soft fall - appropriate ground cover under outdoor climbing and play equipment, meets Australian Safety standards 
    • Spills – are cleaned up as they occur 
    • Sun protection - clothing, hats, and sunscreen– we minimise play at peak sun exposure times. A sunshade or natural shade covers sandpits and play areas 
    • Supervision and visibility of children –children are visible and supervised at all times. High-risk areas requiring extra supervision include adventurous play experiences, playground equipment, ball sports 
    • Surfacing used underneath and around equipment complies with Australian and New Zealand Standards AS/NZS 4422:2016, and is maintained regularly; materials may need to be raked, redistributed and checked weekly for spiders, sharp objects or animal litter 
    • Under Service access (including buildings on stilts and footings) – access is blocked or locked. 
    • Window fly screens are securely fitted, maintained, and permanent. 
    • Water troughs are used under adult supervision only and will not be used without a stand, keeping it off the ground.  Children remain standing on the ground whilst using the water trough. 


    • Access for children and adults with disability - safe access is provided into, within and out of the Service. Toilet and washing facilities, are checked for hazards for wheelchairs and people with impaired sight, hearing or mobility. 
    • Barriers - age appropriate, child proof, self-locking barriers are in place for balconies, stairways, kitchen, bathroom, laundry, garage, other levels in the Service, front and back garden 
    • Children at risk – we maintain extra security and supervision for children at special risk 
    • Choking hazards – the environment is monitored for small toy parts, beads, nuts, blind and curtain cords, plastic bags, sandwich bags and balloons 
    • Decorations and children’s artwork – are not placed near ceiling fans, air conditioners or heaters. The use of tacks, pins, and staples is avoided 
    • Educator’s personal items –educator‘s personal items such as bags, sharp instruments, toiletries and medicines are kept secure and are inaccessible to children 
    • Emergency evacuations –an evacuation plan and emergency contact numbers are displayed, families are informed, and evacuation procedures are regularly practiced 
    • Fire – fire blanket, extinguisher, fire exits, smoke detectors, electrical safety switch are checked regularly and serviced as required 
    • First aid kit with approved contents is maintained and accessible.  First Aid certificates are current for relevant educators 
    • Furniture and nursery equipment - stable, maintained and meets Australian safety standards 
    • Guard and make inaccessible to Children: heaters, coolers, fireplaces, stoves, microwaves, power points, and office equipment. Heaters are away from children’s cots. 
    • Hazardous indoor plants are identified or removed 
    • Heaters –children cannot come in contact with hot surfaces. It is preferable to use heating where combustion products are ducted outside. If gas heating is used ensure there is adequate ventilation while the heater is operating. 
    • Hot water - the hot water supply is regulated so as to keep it below the temperature at which a child can be scalded (the current KidSafe NSW Inc. recommendation is below 43.5°C). 
    • Machinery, tools and equipment – all office and classroom machinery, tools, and equipment is stored securely and inaccessible to children 
    • Nappy changing- nappy changing arrangements are adequate and appropriate hygiene facilities are provided for nappy changing 
    • Noise – we reduce excessive exposure 
    • Non-slip, non-porous floors and stairs are in the building 
    • Pets and animals –families are informed of pets being kept on the premises and plans to obtain new pets. Pets are vaccinated, wormed, don’t have fleas, are clean, and healthy. Pet accessories such as pet food, litter boxes, and pet toys are kept away from children. Dogs are excluded from children’s play areas. Children-pet interactions are minimal and supervised at all times. 
    • Record details - Parents are notified of any child accident or near accident 
    • Safe play rules and adequate play spaces: we discourage running indoors and provide safe furniture layout to avoid collisions 
    • Safety glass used and installed according to Australian Standards, and Australian Building Codes on all glass doors and windows accessible to children, safety decals on sliding doors and plate glass doors at child and adult eye level 
    • Security all entry doors are locked at all times and doorbells are on doors 
    • Smoke / alcohol and drug free environment in all areas 
    • Stairways, ramps, corridors, hallway, external balcony are enclosed to prevent a child falling 
    • Store in locked cabinet any unsafe items, e.g., chemicals, medicines, razors, knives and electrical equipment 
    • Supervision and visibility of children –children are visible and supervised at all times. High-risk areas requiring extra supervision include children in highchairs, playpens and play areas, on change tables, and in nappy change and toilet areas. At least two educators are on the premises at all times within sight of each other and the children. During nappy changes or washing children two educators are present or within sight.  
    • Toys – meet safety standards, age appropriate, maintained, and non-toxic.
    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us