Standard QA 7.1 - Governance

    Outline Requirements

    How Standard 7.1 Governance - Contributes to Quality Education and Care

    Governance provides leadership and direction to the service. The approved provider must ensure that effective systems, procedures, and processes are in place to support the service's operation effectively and ethically. This promotes the confidence of families and the local community in the service (refer to the following link, ACECQA, to find further details).

    The table below outlines Standard 7.1: Governance Supports the Operation of a Quality Service.

    ConceptQA Descriptor - Governance supports the operation of a quality service. 
    Service philosophy and purpose7.1.1A statement of philosophy guides all aspects of the service’s operations.
    Management systems7.1.2Systems are in place to manage risk and enable the effective management and operation of a quality service. 
    Roles and responsibilities7.1.3Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, and understood, and support effective decision-making and operation of the service.
    Based on these outline elements, outline the Strengths Exceeding Themes

    Meeting the Standard - Self-Assessment

    Providing feedback against a new element is outlined in the table below with respect to Standard 7.1: Governance supports the operation of a quality service

    ConceptQAElementIdentified practice/evidence from self-assessmentMetNot Met
    Service philosophy and purpose7.1.1A statement of philosophy guides all aspects of the service’s operations.
    Management systems7.1.2Systems are in place to manage risk and enable the effective management and operation of a quality service.
    Roles and responsibilities7.1.3Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and understood and support effective decision-making and service operation.

    Service Strengths  (How are acheiving the Meets)

    We need to summarise the strengths identified in the self-assessment process and the above requirements. 

    Service Philosophy and Purpose

    At the Akidamy School of Early Learning – Perth (the Akidamy or School), philosophy is based on many years of development, reflection, and evolution of the school, which was initially formed before its establishment in 2018 and is now what it is today. 

    Our school's core values of "Child Families First, True to our Promise, Genuine Relationships, Priorities Learning, and Always Evolving and Innovating" support and put into practice the idea of establishing a core purpose for all stakeholders (children, families, and staff) "to provide an environment that sparks a life of learning and allows every child to flourish." This is summarised as our school strategy: "The Akidamy gives everyone a space to flourish." This is a circular philosophy in that each team member and the school must care for each other to support the children's and parent's needs. 

    The philosophy and approach to education that guides our practices. We believe in creating a loving and supportive atmosphere for children's learning. Drawing inspiration from the Reggio Emilia approach and incorporating RIE and Pikler values, we view children as strong, competent, resilient, and naturally curious.

    So, the "school can provide pioneering exceptional early childhood education with reflective customer service."  Individual and group observations shape our educational programmes.

    The school has reviewed its philosophy and core values annually if not more frequently, to ensure alignment with stakeholders and its operating model (which clearly states the school's why, what, and how) to achieve its cultural, operational goals, and service model. Furthermore, reviews and discusses at all meetings, working lunches, monthly staff awards, staff onboarding, staff meetings and townhalls, policy, processes, and procedure development, information systems, communication, QIP, education programming and observation, performance reviews, and strategic planning sessions on how the school operates and makes all its decisions.

    Management Systems

    The Nominated Supervisor of the Akidamy, Laura Johnson, also serves as the School Director. In 2024, Bianca Lawlor was appointed the Educational Leader (Pedagogista) and the Responsible Person in Charge and Education Leader. The Pedagogista, in partnership with the School Director, is committed to the development, leadership, and management of the Akidamy. The School Director complies with all administrative duties and manages responsibly, being accountable to the Approved Provider and School Governance Team (SOAPE). The Pedagogista attends partnership and other leadership meetings. The School Director and Pedagogista work together to support professional development sessions for all educators. The School has an organisational model based on four levels of collaboration and safety governance, which are:
    1. The SOAPE which is combined on and off-site management team and includes the Approved Provider, School Director, Pedagogista, Office & Experience Coordinator, CFO & People Manager, Brand and Marketing Manager. 
    2. Studio Faculty includes the Studio Leads and Teachers, School Director, Pedagogista, and Atelista (Art Teacher).
    3. Each studio has its team meeting to develop and work on areas of improvement and professional development.
    4. School Faculty includes all staff (educators, teachers, trainees, administrative staff, custodians, and chefs). 

    Exceeding Themes

    Exceeding Theme 1 - Embedded in Service Operations (of the Strength)

    Practice is embedded in service operations when it occurs consistently, frequently, and intentionally as part of an ongoing process that is understood and implemented by all educators across all aspects of the programme. Therefore, how has the following been achieved: 
    1. How do you and your colleagues consistently integrate the service's statement of philosophy into your daily practices, and how do you contribute to its regular review to ensure it reflects our evolving goals and community needs?
    2. In what ways do the governance and administrative systems in place at our service support your ability to maintain high-quality practices, particularly in areas such as proactive risk management, recruitment, and incident response?
    3. Can you share specific examples of how our service’s management systems, including policies and procedures, help you effectively fulfil your roles and responsibilities, especially in relation to fostering a strong commitment to the approved learning frameworks?

    AreasDiscussion and Comments
    • We build safe relationships with each other, our children and families 
    • We create a safe space to grow and learn through our reflections, program and experiences 
    • Always wants staff to grow and learn (Regular PD's, staff trainings, qualifications, performance reviews with set goals) so that we can implement best possible practices in our work with the children. 
    • we follow that the environment is the third teacher
    • providing program reflections to create a collaborative program and curriculum, reflective of all educators.
    • access to devices and services at all times to log any incidents/risks 
    Specialist*Connecting with specialists such as Robbie to extend and support our knowledge of high quality care and practices. (?) 
    Families & Community
    • Every quarter we host a town hall meeting going through our core values and philosophy, as this is done quarterly, it is always current and relevant to the current team and cohort of children. 
    • The school has systems and monitoring in place to make sure that the school is compliant through Smartsheet. this is comparable and risks and other hazards can be avoided. 
    • The policies and procedures are easily accessible and can be adapted and requested approval from all staff, they are given the autonomy to create real time policies and reflect on situation coming. 
    • Fast turn around on emergency staff meetings to debrief and reflect on our practices (?)
    Overall Summary for QIP
    • The Akidamy’s philosophy, visions and practices are displayed in the School. It has been collated with educators and families with practice in mind. The philosophy is also approved by Approved Provider and is reviewed on a yearly basis. (Elements: 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2)
    • The Akidamy oversight team with combined on and off-site management team referred to as the SOAPE is a part of the School’s Governance Team. The School’s Governance Team has a strong and active committee who ensure continuous and valuable improvement across the site. SOAPE meetings are held weekly. (Elements: 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.2.1)
    • The SOAPE encompass the safety, operations, administration (including finance), people (HR), and education committees. The SOAPE regularly meet weekly onsite, and quarterly and annually of site set strategic direction into future initials and reflect on practices undertaken in the past week, month, quarter and year (Elements: 7.1.2, 7.1.3)
    • All preliminary changes/decisions in regards to policies/procedures in the Akidamy are passed onto the SOAPE for consultation and approval. Parents/ caregivers are then informed. (Elements: 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.2.1)
    • Effective management and administrative systems are embedded in place to support the management of the School, including the: (Element: 7.1.2)
      • the use of 1Place Childcare Safety Management System (1Place) to delegate operational, safety checklists, risk assessments, risk registers, audits and inspections, evaluation plans, and incident and response management systems to record and document incidents and accidents of children.
      • All policies, procedures, processes and management plans is recorded and stored in Sweetprocess as available at all time to families and staff via knowledge platform.
      • use of the Smart Central (SC) is CCS management system to record, manage enrolment, medical records, attendance data, and staff ratio compliance in studios.
      • use of Xero for financial accounting.
      • use of financial analysis and budgeting systems (Modano) to develop and manage budgetary and financial requirements
      • the use of Request & Maintenance Submission (RMS) in Smartsheet to track lodged maintenance, equipment requests and change management.
      • use of Employment Hero (EH) system to manage staffing requirements, staff record, LME, induction, rostering, workhours, employment contracts, job descriptions and score cards, OKRs and agreements, payroll, onboarding, recruiting, performance reviews, professional development, training, compliance certification records, accident and incident reporting of staff, medical and management records.
      • use of Earlyworks Software to manage and record data for children’s learning development, children's learning and milestones development, reflective practices and journals and QIP management.
    • New Educators who join the team are inducted and complete an induction checklist and 90-day sprit process. On arrival, they are shown around the Preschool and provided with information about processes, routines and systems. Children’s health or cultural needs are explained and other key information, including, where medication and first aid supplies are stored, is explained. (Elements: 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3)
    • All Educators and Teachers at the Akidamy have approved qualifications. Staff either possess a Certificate III, Diploma, or Bachelor's degree in early childhood education that has received recognition from ACECQA and or the Western Australia Teachers Board respectively. All copies of certificates and qualifications are filed in the school online HR management system, Employment Hero. (Elements: 7.1.2, 7.1.3)
    • The school has policy of not employing causal or contract agency labour, this managed by having lower staff-to-children ratio and flexible work arrangements with staff rostering. This allows for staff members to have consistency and familiarity for children and families. Staff vacancies and holidays are planned well advance to source and recruit new staff which meet the needs of School and its values. (Elements: 7.1.2, 7.2.2)
    • Transitioning of children from one studio is developed over two month period involving the involvement of parents and studio educators to ensure that children needs are place first
    *Specialist is defined as a Staff Member who is an Art and Italian Teacher, Office and Experience Coordinator, School Custodian, and Chef Internal and External Support Worker.  

    Exceeding Theme 2 - Informed by Critical Reflection 

    Critical reflection involves a deep level of regular and ongoing analysis, questioning, and thinking that goes beyond evaluation and review. Critical reflection informs practice when the continuous reflection of all educators, individually and together, influences decision-making and drives continuous quality improvement. Therefore, how has the following been achieved:
    1. How do we ensure that all team members, including educators, coordinators, and management, critically reflect on and understand changes to our governance approach? How do we verify that these changes are implemented consistently across the service? 
    2. In what ways do we engage in collaborative reflection on our statement of philosophy and review our systems, policies, and procedures to ensure they remain aligned with our service’s purpose and the approved learning frameworks? How do we use this reflection to drive continuous improvement?
    3. How do we foster an environment where all team members feel supported in providing feedback on our governance and decision-making processes? How do we ensure that this feedback is respected, considered, and used to strengthen our service’s governance and administrative systems?
    AreasDiscussion and Comments
    Families & Community
    • We over-clarify any changes through working lunches to make sure that the team knows any updates. we come back and reflect after time to make sure we are keeping consistent. 
    • Our policies are seen as a working document which can be kept relevant and current. we can see the edits on the platform that we use. 
    • Again, in our working lunches, these ideas and feedback are welcomed openly and consistently. The team have a voice in the school and can offer feedback through email, lunches and with each other.
    Overall Summary for QIP
    Service Philosophy and Purpose

    Management Systems

    Roles and Responsibilities

    Reference of Knowledge 
    The following key areas shape our critical reflections:
    1. Industry research and studies/reports and papers:
      • Quality Improvement Research Project - Commissioned by ACECQA, Nov. 2019 (Harrison, Hadley, Irvine, Davis, Barblett, Hatzigianni, Mulhear, Waniganayake, Andrews, Li)
      • Leadership and Management in Education and care services - An Analysis of Quality Area 7 of the NQS, Occasional Paper 5 2017, ACECQA
      • Shinning A Light on Early Childhood Educators Work - A report from the Australian study Exemplary Early Childhood Educators at Work: A Multi-level Investigation (2023) (Gibson, M., Press, F., Harrison, L., Wong, S., Cumming, T., Ryan, S., Crisp, K., Richardson, S., Gibbs, L., Cooke, M., & Brown, J.) 
      • Quality Rating Terminology Initiative Research Report 2023 - Department of Education (Josie Song, Amy Williams, Antony Lakey, Alex Fulton and Adrian Compton-Cook) 
      • NQF Annual Performance Report 2022 & 2023 - ACECQA
      • The National Quality Standards—Towards Continuous Quality Improvement — 2nd Edition 2017, (Bridie Raban)
      • Exceeding the Standards, Planning for Continuous Quality Improvement  - 3rd Edition 2019, (Susie Rosback & Bernadette Waters)
      • Guide to National Quality Framework 2023, Commissioned by ACECQA   
      • Educational Leader Manual 2019, Commissioned by ACECQA
      • Self-Assessment - Working Document - 2020, NSW Department of Education
      • NQS Assessment and Rating Template - 2020, Commissioned by ACECQA     
    2. Latest management and cultural practices of a successful and high-performance organisation:
      • Start with Why - 2009, Leaders Eat Last - 2014, The Infinite Game - 2019 (Simon Sinek)
      • Free to Focus: A Total Productivity System to Achieve More by Doing Less -2019, (Michael Hyatt)
      • Mastering the Rockefeller Habits - 2002, Scaling Up Compensation: 5 Design Principles for Turning Your Largest Expense into a Strategic - 2022,  12 Habits of Valuable Employees: Your Roadmap to an Amazing Career - 2024 (Verne Harnish)
      • Onboarded - 2022, Onboarding for Managers - 2023, (Brad Giles)
      • Turn The Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders - 2016 (L. David Marquet)
      • Zingerman's Guide to Giving Great Service - 2003,  A Lapsed Anarchist's Approach to Building a Great Business - 2010, Manager Ourselves - 2013, (Ari Weinzweig)
    3. Research or observation or assessment or survey undertaken by our staff (educators, specialists and administrators) with respect to observation of children and discussion with families

    Exceeding Theme 3 - Shaped by Meaningful Engagement with Families and/or the Community

    1. In what ways do our current governance and administrative arrangements reflect and honour the unique cultural, geographical, and social context of our community? Can you provide specific examples of how the voices and priorities of our families have shaped these arrangements?
    2. How do we actively support and encourage families to engage with our service's philosophy, policies, and procedures? What strategies have been most effective in fostering meaningful feedback and participation from our families and the wider community?
    3. How do our governance practices and administrative systems contribute to creating an inclusive environment that respects and values the diversity of all children, families, and communities? Can you share examples where this inclusiveness has positively impacted the sense of belonging within our service?
    AreasDiscussion and Comments
    Families & Community
    • We have a variety of communication methods to suit the needs of all families-emails that can be translated if necessary. Lots of our families use the school for a long day/week. We recognise that this could provoke feeling of guilt, so we make sure we overcommunicate and let them know that their having a great day. 
    • When we update a policy, we update the family handbook and republish, this gives them a reminder of the policies. Our questions that go out before the parent interviews address questions that offer feedback on topics at the times we feel most relevant to the time.
    • Our onboarding for children consists of the questions about them being pre-filled before their arrival. This is on purpose so that we can reflect and discuss any values or cultural experiences that the child and families may need. Families & Community
    Overall Summary for QIP

    Excellence Practice

    Exceptional Practice Framework

    The following case study at the Akidamy is an example of the exceptional framework with respect to Standard 7.2 - Leadership, Descriptor Theme 1 or 2 or 3 as outlined in the table (see attached document for how drafted responses - WritingEvidenceStatementForExcellentRating-Oct 23).

    Exceptional Practice FrameworkDescription
    Identify ‘the why’
     ‘the what’
     ‘the who’. 

    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us