Managing Medical Condition Procedure

    Policy Content

    To support children’s wellbeing and manage specific healthcare needs, allergy or relevant medical conditions, our School will work in accordance with the Education and Care Services National Regulations to ensure health related policies and procedures are implemented. We aim to take every reasonable precaution to protect children’s health and safety by explicitly adhering to individual medical management and risk management plans and responding to any emergency situation should it arise. 
    Working in conjunction with the Medical Conditions Policy, this procedure provides detailed steps for management and educators to follow when a child with a health care, allergy, or medical condition enrols at the School. 
    Education and Care Services National Law or Regulations (90, 90(1)(iv), 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 136 and 170)  NQS QA 2: Element 2.1.1 and 2.2.1 Wellbeing and comfort, health practices and procedures .

    1At the time of enrolment, the Nominated Supervisor will ask families if the child has any health care need, allergy or medical condition   
    2The Nominated Supervisor will ensure the enrolment form includes health care needs, allergies or identified medical conditions for the new child 
    3All families will be informed of the School’s management of the Medical Conditions Policy through the Family Handbook during the enrolment process 
    4The Nominated Supervisor will meet with the family to discuss the details of the health care need, allergy or medical condition and what adjustments may be needed to the practices of the School or environment to ensure inclusion of the child 
    5The Nominated Supervisor will advise the family of the Medical Conditions Policy and any relevant policies such as Anaphylaxis Management Policy or Asthma Management Policy, including the additional requirements for enrolment such as a Medical Management Plan and the development of a Risk Minimisation Plan and Communication Plan 
    6The Nominated Supervisor will ensure families sign the Enrolment Form Inclusions form to acknowledge information relating to Medical Management Plans are to be kept up to date at all times 

    1The family will develop a Medical Management Plan in consultation with the child’s registered medical practitioner.  This must be completed before the child can attend the School. 
    2The Medical Management Plan is to include any ASCIA Anaphylaxis or Asthma Action Plan 
    3The Nominated Supervisor will ensure parents/guardians provide consent to display Medical Management Plan through the Permission to Display Medical Management Plan 
    4The Nominated Supervisor will ensure individual Medical Management Plans are displayed in the child’s room, staff areas and food preparation areas 
    5During orientation and induction educators are informed about the School’s procedures and policies in relation to managing children with diagnosed health care needs, allergies and medical conditions 
    6The Nominated Supervisor will ensure any medications required as part of the Medical Management Plan are available at the school each time the child attends 
    7Educators will ensure medications are stored as per Medical Management Plan and Administration of Medication Policy 
    8Educators will ensure an Administration of Medication form is completed each time medication is administrated and acknowledged by the parent/guardian each day 
    9Educators will ensure Medical Management Plans and any medication are taken from the School in the event of an emergency evacuation or on an excursion 

    1Using the information gathered from the Medical Management Plan, the Nominated Supervisor in conjunction with family and Lead Educator will develop a Risk Minimisation Plan to:  
    • consider and identify potential risks to the child within the school environment  
    • develop strategies for the management of the health care need, allergy or medical condition and emergency response procedures and, 
    • identify who will be included in this process.
    2The Nominated Supervisor will consider if any training or professional development is required for educators as part of the Risk Minimisation Plan 
    3The Risk Minimisation Plan will record any dietary modifications as part of the Medical Management Plan   
    4Risk Minimisation Plans are required to be reviewed at least annually or revised with each change to a child’s Medical Management Plan 

    1The Nominated Supervisor will create a Communication Plan for each child and ensure all educators and staff are advised of individual Medical Management Plans and Risk Minimisation Plans and method of communicating with the family 
    2The Nominated Supervisor will consult with each family and inform how the Communication Plan will be maintained within the School to ensure their child’s health and safety   
    3The Nominated Supervisor will ensure relief staff, students, volunteers, Early Intervention Specialists are informed of and familiar with any Medical Management Plans and Risk Minimisation Plans upon initial contact with the School. e.g., orientation process, first visit 
    4The Nominated Supervisor will communicate any individual Medical Management Plans to kitchen staff and discuss strategies identified within the Risk Minimisation Plan 
    5Any changes to a child’s Medical Management Plan and Risk Management Plan will be communicated to educators within the Communication Plan by a child’s parent 
    6The Nominated Supervisor will routinely check all Communication Plans 




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