Excursion / Incursion Policy
Excursions / incursions enhance children’s learning by providing them the opportunity to participate in curriculum planned activities and experiences to extend on their skills and knowledge in the current interest topic. Our School recognises that excursions provide opportunities for children to explore the wider community as a group and extend on the educational program provided.NATIONAL QUALITY STANDARD (NQS)
QUALITY AREA 2: Children's Health and Safety |
2.2 | Safety | Each child is protected. |
2.2.1 | Supervision | At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazards. |
2.2.2 | Incident and emergency management | Plans to effectively manage incidents and emergencies are developed in consultation with relevant authorities, practiced and implemented. |
To ensure that all excursions and incursions undertaken by the School are carefully planned and conducted in a safe manner, maintaining children’s health, safety, and wellbeing at all times in accordance with National Regulations. We believe excursions/incursions provide the children with the opportunity to expand and enhance their skills and knowledge, gaining insight into their local and the wider community.SCOPE
This policy applies to children, families, staff, management, and visitors of the School.IMPLEMENTATION
Excursions and incursions will be conducted with the children’s safety and wellbeing in mind at all times. We will regularly schedule incursions and visitors to our School however, if we feel an excursion will benefit the children and offer a valuable experience, we will adhere to the National Regulations and School policies and procedures to plan and manage an experience that is enjoyable and educational for children. This policy relates to excursions that may be a ‘regular outing’ or a one-off excursion for a particular purpose and incursions, where visiting performers, groups or community schools may visit our School.DEFINITION
(Definition as of effective 1 October 2020)Excursion: means an outing organised by an education and care service or family day care educator but does not include an outing organsied by an education and care service provided on a school site if :
- a child or children leave the education and care service premises in the company of an educator and
- the child or children do not leave the school site
Incursion: means an activity organised by our early childcare school, whereby an outside body is employed or engaged to visit the school to run an educational program and to promote culture and diversity. This could include a visit from a dentist, the Rural Fire Service, an Aboriginal Cultural awareness group, science or reptile show or a musical or drama performance. Some incursions may be offered free of charge whilst others may incur a small participation cost.
The purpose of the excursion should be clearly identified by staff providing information on how the excursion or incursion supports the educational program and contributes to the outcomes for children. Excursions/incursions should be planned in advance and consideration given to the:- time away from the school
- availability of toilet and washing facilities
- access to safe drinking water
- adequate health and hygiene practices
- possible risk to children (identified in risk assessment)
- accessibility for all children
- transportation
- cost (excursions and incursions if applicable)
- weather- wet weather arrangements
- Risk Assessment documentation provided by the excursion venue
- teaching children safety procedures and responsibilities whilst on an excursion
- safety and wellbeing of children whilst at the school whilst participating in an incursion (identified in risk assessment)
Excursion/Incursion Risk Assessment
The Approved Provider or Nominated Supervisor must conduct a detailed risk assessment which reflects Regulation 101 before an authorisation is scheduled under Regulation 102 to determine the safety and appropriateness of the excursion/incursion. If the excursion involves transporting children, the risk assessment must adhere to all components of regulations 101 and 102 (effective 1 October 2020).The Nominated Supervisor will ensure:
- an Excursion/Incursion risk assessment and management plan is developed prior to any excursion or incursion
- a responsible person (or coordinator) is appointed to oversee the organisation of the excursion/incursion
- families are notified about the excursion using an Excursion Permission Letter and written authorisation must be provide by a parent or other person named in the child’s enrolment record on SmartCentral
- families are notified about any incursion and if permission is required for participation, an Incursion Permission letter provided for parent or carer consent for their child to participate
- families have a right to view the risk assessment prior to the excursion/incursion upon request in which the School must comply with ensuring all information is available
- the risk assessment must
- identify and assess possible risks that the excursion/incursion may pose to the health, safety and wellbeing of any child being taken on the excursion or participating in the incursion
- specify how the identified risks will be managed and minimised
- ensure Working with Children Checks are conducted for all adults visiting the school on incursions
- ensure the visiting group/performance is covered by insurance
- consider the proposed route and destination for the excursion and
- identify any water hazards
- reflect on any risks associated with water-based activities
- consider the transport to and from the proposed destination for the excursion
- consider the duration of the transportation
- consider any requirements for seatbelts or safety restraints under a law for WA
- the process for entering and exiting the education and care service premises and the pick-up location or destination (as required)
- procedures for embarking and disembarking the means of transport, including how each child is to be accounted for on embarking and disembarking
- consider the ratio of adults to children involved in the excursion
- consider the risks posed by the excursion/incursion, the number of educators or other responsible adults required to provide supervision, and whether any adults with specialised skills are required to ensure children’s safety (eg: lifesaving skills)
- consider the planned activities
- determine the duration of the excursion
- consider items that should be taken on the excursion (mobile phone, emergency contacts, first aid kit, medical plans, etc.).
- consider strategies to ensure supervision is consistent at all times during the excursion- transitions, toileting, departure from the school and conclusion of the excursion
If the excursion is a regular excursion, or ‘regular outing’ a risk assessment authorisation is only required to be carried out once in a 12-month period, however, must be regularly reviewed. If circumstances around the excursion change, a new risk assessment is required.
Parent Authorisation
The Nominated Supervisor must ensure:- that a child is not taken outside the School premises on an excursion unless written authorisation has been provided
- the authorisation must be given by a parent or other authorised person named in the child’s enrolment record as having authority to authorise transportation of a child
- the authorisation form must state:
- the child’s name
- the reason the child is to be taken outside the premises
- the reason the child is to be transported (if transportation is included in the excursion)
- if the authorisation is for a regular outing, a description of when the child is to be taken on the regular outing
- the date the child is to be taken on the excursion and transported
- a description of the proposed pick-up location and destination for the excursion
- the method of transport to be used for the excursion
- the proposed activities to be undertaken by the child during the excursion
- the period the child will be away from the premises
- the period of time during which the child is to be transported
- the anticipated number of children likely to be attending the excursion
- the anticipated educator to child ratio attending the excursion to the anticipated number of children attending the excursion
- the anticipated number of staff members and any other adults who will accompany and supervise the children on the excursion
- any requirements for seatbelts or safety restraints under a law of each jurisdiction in which the children are being transported
- that a risk assessment has been prepared and is available at the School
- that written policies and procedures for transporting children are available at the School
- if the excursion is a regular outing, the written authorisation is only required to be obtained once in a 12-month period
- parental authorisation may be required for incursions if identified in the risk assessment or if a cost is required
- authorisations must be kept securely in the child’s enrolment records
Staffing Arrangements
The Nominated Supervisor will ensure that:- educator to child ratios are no less than the prescribed ratios as per National Regulations
- additional educators/staff are engaged to provide care and support to children with additional needs
- consideration for adequate supervision may include:
- the number, age and ability of children
- the number and physical positioning of educators
- each child’s current activity
- risks related to the mode of transport (for example: walking)
- visibility and accessibility
- the experience and skill of each educator
- educators are aware of their responsibility to provide supervision to other responsible adults or volunteers assisting on the excursion
- educators are aware the procedures to follow in the event of an emergency
- at least one educator or the nominated supervisor must hold current First Aid qualification, approved emergency Asthma management and approved anaphylaxis management training
Parent and Volunteer Participation
The Nominated Supervisor will ensure parents and volunteers:- are encouraged to participate in excursions where possible
- cannot be counted as part of the educator to child ratio
- cannot be left alone with a child/children and must be supervised by an educator at all times
- are briefed prior to participating on an excursion about the risk assessment, emergency procedures, supervision, photograph policy for privacy and confidentiality and use of mobile phone
- are aware that smoking is not permitted
- are aware of need to wear appropriate clothing and footwear.
Items to be taken on an Excursion
The Nominated Supervisor must ensure that the following items are taken on all excursions, as per the risk assessment:- appropriate number of suitably equipped first aid kits
- fully charged and operating mobile phone
- emergency contact information details for all children participating on the excursion
- medication for children requiring medical and relevant medical management plans
- items required for excursion circumstances- such as sunscreen, hats, other equipment
- child’s attendance record
Transportation for Excursions
It is a requirement of National Regulations that the means of transport is stated on the risk assessment record and parent authorisation record. Information must be included in the risk assessment about the process for embarking and disembarking the means of transport, including how each child is to be accounted for.The means of transport may mean:
- Walking
Educators must ensure children and adults use the safest footpaths and safe crossings where possible, such as pedestrian crossings and traffic lights
Educators will ensure all children and adults obey road rules
Educators will ensure children follow the ‘stop, look, listen and think’ process when walking near roads
Educators will remain vigilant that no child runs ahead or lags behind the group - Train
the Nominated Supervisor will be required to contact the local station prior to the excursion to inform them of the time you will be travelling, the destination, and the number of children and adults who will be travelling.
Provisions should be made to ensure children have ample time to board the train safely and in an unhurried way. This will allow the station to inform the train guard so that they can hold the train for the period of time for safe boarding and disembarkment. All children should be seated at all times, with an adult close by. All children should be seated in the one carriage if possible- and not in a Quiet Carriage. - Car
Any motor vehicle that is used to transport children on an excursion (other than a motor vehicle seating more than nine persons) must be fitted with child restraints and/or seatbelts that are appropriate for the age and weight of each child, that conform to the Australian Standards, and are professionally installed or checked by an authorised restraint fitter.
The vehicle must be registered and free of any defects that could put any passenger at harm.
All children must be fastened in the vehicle according to National Child Restraint Laws for Vehicles (below). The educator or staff member driving the vehicle must hold a current Australian driver’s licence.
The process for entering and exiting the School premises safely must be considered at all times.
National Child Restraint Laws for Vehicles
- children up to the age of six months must be secured in an approved rear facing restraint
- children aged from six months old but under four years old must be secured in either a rear or forward-facing approved child restraint with an inbuilt harness
- children under four years old cannot travel in the front seat of a vehicle with two or more rows
- children aged from four years old but under seven years old must be secured in a forward-facing approved child restraint with an inbuilt harness or an approved booster seat
- children aged from four years old but under seven years old cannot travel in the front seat of a vehicle with two or more rows, unless all other back seats are occupied by children younger than seven years in an approved child restraint or booster seat
- children in booster seats must be restrained by a suitable lap and sash type approved seatbelt that is properly adjusted and fastened, or by a suitable approved child safety harness that is properly adjusted and fastened.
If the child is too large for the child restraint specified for their age, they may move to the next level of child restraint.
Source: NSW Government Centre for Road Safety, 2017
The Approved Provider and Nominated Supervisor must review the insurance policy prior to the excursion/incursion to ensure liability is protected by the School. A copy of the insurance policy should be kept within the school’s vehicle (if applicable) at all times.Check for Children’s Safety
Educators will ensure:- children’s attendance records are taken on excursions
- all children are accounted for when embarking/disembarking the car/vehicle or bus
- children’s names are marked off as they enter and leave the vehicle including time and date
- a thorough check is made of the vehicle to ensure no child is left in the vehicle (a second person should repeat this check for safety)
- the vehicle is parked to avoid other vehicles, driveways or car parks
- the vehicle is parked as close as possible to the School premises or visiting venue
- children only disembark the vehicle when it is safe to do so
- where possible, educators hold children’s hands to supervise them walking into the School premises
- head counts are conducted at least every 30 minutes whilst on the excursion
- bathrooms and toilets are checked for any potential hazard before children enter, and children are escorted to the bathrooms and supervised
In the event of a child being unaccounted for during an excursion, educators will immediately:- inform another educator and provide supervision for groups
- conduct a head count
- ask children/parent helpers/other educators if they have seen the missing child
- search the premises
- check organised meeting points (use mobile phone to contact other educators)
- alert the venue management and request that an announcement is made
- if the child is still unaccounted for after checking as above, the nominated supervisor, educator will contact the Police on 000 and report the incident
- the nominated supervisor will contact parents/guardian
- educators will reassure other children and provide supervision
- the Approved Provider and School Director must make a notification to the Regulatory Authority within 24 hours of a serious incident
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. (2014).Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment. (2009) Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010. (Amended 2018).
Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2011)
Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2017).
Guide to the National Quality Framework. (2018). (Amended 2020).
Kidsafe Victoria Road Safety kidsafevic.com.au/road-safety/
Kids and Traffic Early Childhood Road Safety Education Program (NSW) Transporting Children Safely
NSW Government Centre for Road Safety. (2017): roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/stayingsafe/children/childcar...
Revised National Quality Standard. (2018).
Road Transport (Safety & Traffic Management) Act 1999.
Victoria State Government Education and Training Early Childhood Professionals
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