Acceptance & Refusal Authorisation Policy


    Under the Education and Care Services National Law and National Regulations, early childhood services are required to obtain written authorisation from parents or guardians for some circumstances, to ensure that the health, safety, wellbeing, and best interests of the child are met and upheld. An authorisation is given where a person who has legal responsibility for a child gives permission to another person to do something or to make a decision on that person’s behalf. Authorisations are usually authenticated by a signature- either in written form or as an electronic signature. All authorisation and refusals are to be kept in the child’s enrolment record. 

    QUALITY AREA 2: Children's Health and Safety
    2.2SafetyEach child is protected.   
    2.2.1SupervisionAt all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard. 
    2.2.2Incident and emergency management Plans to effectively manage incidents and emergencies are developed in consultation with relevant authorities, practiced and implemented. 
    2.2.3Child Protection   Management, educators and staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities to identify and respond to every child at risk of abuse or neglect.   


    Our priority is ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of children. We aim to ensure that all educators, staff and volunteers are consistent in how authorisations are managed and understand what does or does not constitute a correct authorisation, which consequently may lead to a refusal. Our governance and quality management processes are effective and transparent and meet all regulatory requirements. Decisions around refusing an authorisation will be made on a case-by-case basis by the school in discussion with the Nominated Supervisor, Police or other authorities.   


    Our School will ensure we comply with the current Education and Care Services National Regulations, and have policies and procedures in place in relation to the acceptance and refusal of authorisations which require parent or guardian written authorisation to be provided in matters including:  
    • Administration of medication to children 
    • Administration of medical treatment, dental treatment, and general first aid treatment 
    • Emergency Ambulance transportation 
    • Transportation- including regular outings and regular transportation 
    • Excursions, including regular outings 
    • Incursion attendance 
    • Taking of photographs by people other than educators 
    • Water based activities 
    • Enrolment of children, including providing details of persons nominated to authorise consent for medical treatment, to collect children from the school, or to provide authority for the child to be taken outside the school  
    • Children leaving the premises in the care of someone other than a parent or guardian
    Management and Nominated Supervisor will ensure that: 
    • the Acceptance and Refusal Authorisation Policy is reviewed and maintained by School management and adhered to at all times by educators and staff 
    • policies and procedures are readily accessible to families, Nominated Supervisors, coordinators, educators and staff and available for inspection 
    • an enrolment record is kept for each child that includes authorisations signed by a parent/guardian or a person authorised 
      • to consent to medical treatment of the child if relevant 
      • to authorise the education and care service to transport the child or arrange transportation for the child
    • all staff understand circumstances that may lead to refusal of an authorisation
    • all educators and staff follow the policies and procedures of our School  
    • all parents/guardians have completed the authorised person's section of their child's enrolment form including authorised nominees (refer to Enrolment Policy), and that the form is signed and dated before the child commences at the School 
    • permission forms for excursions are provided to the parent/guardian or authorised nominee prior to the excursion 
    • parents/guardians are provided with a copy of relevant policies for our School or are aware of how they can be accessed 
    • attendance records are maintained for all children attending the School  
    • a written record of all visitors to the School, including time of arrival and departure and reasons for visit is documented 
    • where a child requires medication to be administered by educators/staff, that an Administration of Medication Record is completed, and authorisation provided by the parent/guardian or authorised nominee and included within the child's record. 
    • educators/staff do not administer medication without the written authorisation of parent/guardian or authorised nominee named in the enrolment record as authorised to consent to the medical treatment of the child, except in the case of an emergency, including an asthma or anaphylaxis emergency. 
    • educators and staff only allow a child to participate in regular outings and regular transportation with the written authorisation of a parent/guardian or authorised nominee name in the child’s enrolment record 
    • educators and staff allow a child to participate in excursions only with the written authorisation of a parent/guardian or authorised nominee named in the child’s enrolment record is received and documented 
    • educators/staff allow a child to depart the School only with:
      • a person who is the parent/guardian or authorised nominee named in the child’s enrolment record; or  
      • with a person authorised by a parent or authorised nominee; or 
      • leaves in accordance with the written authorisation of the parent; or authorised nominee; or 
      • is taken on an excursion; or  
      • in the case of a medical emergency or another emergency  
    • there are procedures in place if an inappropriate person, or a person who does not appear to be fit to take care of the child attempts to collect the child from the School or poses a risk to the safety of children or staff 

    • notify families at least 14 days before changing the policy or procedures (Reg. 172). 

    Nominated Supervisor / Responsible Person will: 
    • follow the policies and procedures of the School 
    • ensure documentation relating to authorisations contains:  
      • the name of the child enrolled in the school 
      • date  
      • signature of the child’s parent/guardian and authorised nominee as named on the enrolment form
    • keep all authorisations relating to each child in their enrolment record 
    • exercise the right of refusal if written or verbal authorisations do not comply with National Regulations or Child Protection Legislation. If an authorisation is refused by the School, it is best practice to document: 
      • the details of the authorisation 
      • why the authorisation was refused, and 
      • actions taken by the school. For example: if the school refused an authorised nominee named in the child’s enrolment record to collect the child from the school as they were under the influence of alcohol, the action taken to ensure that the child was collected. 
    • waive compliance where a child requires emergency medical treatment for conditions such as anaphylaxis or asthma. In accordance with National Regulations (R. 93) the School can administer medication in these circumstances without authorisation. If these situations occur Management will be required to contact the parent/guardian as soon as practicable after the medication has been administered and emergency School. Notification to the Regulatory Authority is required within 24 hours of a serious incident 
    • ensure that medication is not administered to a child without the authorisation of a parent/guardian or authorised person, except in the case of an emergency, including and asthma or anaphylaxis emergency   
    • ensure a child only departs from the School with: 
      • a person who is the parent/guardian or authorised nominee named in the child’s enrolment record; or  
      • with a person authorised by a parent or authorised nominee; or 
      • leaves in accordance with the written authorisation of the parent; or authorised nominee; or 
      • is taken on an excursion; or  
      • in the case of a medical emergency or another emergency
    • ensure that written authorisation is provided by the parent/guardian or other person named in the child’s enrolment record for a regular outing or regular transportation 
    • ensure a child is not taken outside the School premises on an excursion except with the written authorisation of a parent/guardian or authorised nominee 
    • inform the Approved Provider when a written authorisation does not meet the requirements outlined in the School’s policies. 
    Educators will:
    • follow the policies and procedures of the School 
    • ensure that written authorisation is provided by the parent/guardian or other person named in the child’s enrolment record for a regular outing or regular transportation 
    • ensure that parents/guardians sign and date permission forms for excursions prior to the excursion being implemented 
    • allow a child to participate in an excursion only with the written authorisation of a parent/guardian or authorised nominee 
    • check that parents/guardians or an authorised nominee sign the attendance record as their child arrives and departs from the School 

    • administer medication only with the written authorisation of a parent/guardian or authorised nominee as per the Administration of Medication Record, except in the case of an emergency, including an asthma, anaphylaxis. 

    • allow a child to depart from the School only with: 

      • with a person authorised by a parent or authorised nominee; or

      • leaves in accordance with the written authorisation of the parent; or authorised nominee; or

      • is taken on an excursion; or  

      • in the case of a medical emergency or another emergency  

    • follow procedures if an inappropriate person attempts to collect a child from the School and poses a risk to the safety of the children and staff (for example, an intoxicated person) 

    • inform the Approved Provider when a written authorisation does not meet the requirements outlined in School’s policies. 

    Families will:

    • read and comply with the policies and procedures of the School

    • complete and sign the authorised nominee section of their child's enrolment form before their child commences at the School

    • ensure that changes to nominated authorised persons are provided to the School in a timely manner

    • advise nominated authorised persons that they will require photo identification (such as a driver’s licence) in order to collect their child from the School

    • sign and date permission forms for regular transportation and regular outings

    • sign and date permission forms for excursions  

    • sign the attendance record as their child arrives and departs from the School

    • provide written authorisation on the Administration of Medication Form when their child requires medication to be administered by educators/staff, including signing and dating it for inclusion in the child's medication records 

    • provide completed Medical Management Plans and Action Plans where relevant for their child 
    • be familiar with circumstances where authorisations may be refused/not applicable.


    Authorisation documents are required for the following situations and must have details recorded as specified: 

    Administration of Medication
    • Name of the child 
    • Administration of Medication Record is signed by a parent or a person named in the child's enrolment record as authorised to consent to administration of medication 
    • Name of the medication to be administered 
    • Clearly indicate time and date the medication is to be administered 
    • Dosage of the medication to be administered 
    • Method of dosage (e.g.: oral or inhaled) 
    • Period of authorisation (actual days and dates: from and to) 
    • Date the authorisation is signed 
    • Medication must be in its original container and bearing the correct child’s name 
    • Medication is not past its expiry or use-by date 
    • Medication is administered in accordance with any instructions attached to the medication or provided by a registered medical practitioner.  
    • A second person checks the signed Administration of Medication Record, checks the dosage of the medication, and witnesses its administration  
    • The educator administering medication and the witness must write their full name and sign the medication record 
    • Details of the administration must be recorded in the medication record 

    Medical Treatment of The Child Including Transportation by an Ambulance Service (including and authorised initially as part of the child's enrolment record)
    • Name of the child 

    • Authorisation to seek medical treatment for the child from a registered medical practitioner, hospital or ambulance service 

    • Authorisation for the transportation of the child by an ambulance service 

    • Name, address and telephone number of the child's registered medical practitioner or medical service 

    • Child's Medicare number 

    • Name of the parent or guardian providing authorisation 

    • Relationship to the child 

    Emergency Medical Treatment (Included and authorised initially as part of the child's enrolment record or as updates during enrolment)
    • The School is able to seek emergency medical assistance for a child as required (i.e. medical practitioner, ambulance or hospital) without seeking further authorisation from a parent or guardian in the case of an emergency, including for emergencies relating to medical conditions noted on the enrolment form. 

    Collection of Children (Included and authorised initially as port of the child's enrolment record or as updated during enrolment
    • Name of the child 

    • Name of the parent or the guardian of the child or the authorised nominee on the enrolment form providing authorisation 

    • Name of the person/s authorised by a parent or authorised nominee named in the child's enrolment record to collect the child from the premises 

    • State relationship to the child of the persons authorised to collect the child from the premises 

    • Signature of the person providing authorisation and date of authorisation 

    The authorisation must state:
    • Name of the child 
    • Date of the excursion 
    • Reason for the excursion 
    • Proposed destination for the excursion 
    • Method of transport to be used 
    • Route to be taken to and from the excursion 
    • Period of time away from premise- include time leaving premise and time returning to premise  
    • Proposed activities to be undertaken by the child during the excursion 
    • Anticipated number of children likely to be attending the excursion 
    • Ratio of educators attending the excursion to the number of children attending the excursion 
    • Number of staff members and any other adults who will accompany and supervise the children on the excursion (including parents, students, volunteers) 
    • Statement that a risk assessment has been prepared and is available at the school 
    • Name of the parent or guardian-providing authorisation 
    • Relationship to the child 
    • Signature of the person providing authorisation and date of authorisation 
    • Details of any water hazards and risks associated with water-based activities (to be included in risk assessment). 
    • Items that should be taken on the excursion

    Regular outing
    A regular outing means a walk, drive or trip to and from a destination that the school visits regularly as part of its educational program and where the circumstances relevant to the risk assessment are the same on each outing. Written authorisation only needs to be given once in a specified 12-month period for a regular outing. (Reg. 102(5)). If the conditions of the regular outing change, a new authorisation is required. The written authorisation must include: 
    • Name of the child 

    • a description of when the child is to be taken on the regular outings 

    • a description of the proposed destination 

    • method of transportation (including walking) 

    • proposed activities to be undertaken 

    • anticipated ratio of educators to the anticipated number of children 

    • that a risk assessment has been prepared and is available at the school 

    Sunscreen and Insect Repellent Application (Permission to apply sunscreen is included on enrolment form on SmartCentral)
    • Name of child 

    • Permission authorised for staff to apply SPF 50 or higher broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen supplied by the school or 

    • Permission authorised for staff to apply SPF 50 or higher broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen supplied by parent/guardian (for children who may have allergies) 

    • Parent signature and date   

    • Safety Data Sheet required for all products  

    • Permission authorised for staff to apply insect repellent supplied by the school or, 

    • Permission authorised for staff to apply insect repellent supplied by the parent/guardian [adjust for your own school requirements]

    Note: the use of sunscreen on babies under 6 months is not recommended due to their sensitive skin. 

    Confirmation of Authorisation 
    • All authorisation forms received (including the initial enrolment form) are to be checked for completion 

    • All authorisations (excluding the initial enrolment form) are checked to ensure that the authoriser (name and signature) is the nominated parent or guardian a person named on the enrolment form as having authority to authorise 

    • If incomplete or inappropriately signed, the authorisation form should be returned to the parent or guardian for correction 

    • Children will be suspended from any activity requiring authorisation until the appropriate form has been correctly completed and signed 


    Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. (2014).  
    ACECQA. (2021). Policy and procedure guidelines. Acceptance and refusal of authorisations. 
    Cancer Council. Preventing cancer: Sun protections: 
    Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics. (2016). 
    Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010. (Amended 2018). 
    Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2011).      
    Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2017). 
    Guide to the National Quality Standard. (2020). 
    Revised National Quality Standard. (2018). 
    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us