Delivery of Children to, and Collection From Education end Care Service Premises
Policy Content
Under the Education and Care Services National Regulations the approved provider must ensure that policies and procedures are in place for the delivery of children to, and collection from, school premises and take reasonable steps to ensure those policies are followed. (ACECQA 2021).Arrival and departure times are planned to promote a smooth transition between home and our School. The opportunity to build secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships between children and families is promoted during arrival and departure times where educators have the opportunity to engage in conversations with families and support each child’s well-being.
To ensure the health and safety of children at our School our Arrival and Departure Policy is strictly adhered to, allowing only nominated authorised persons to collect children at any time throughout the day. The daily sign in and out register is not only a legally required document to record children’s attendance as per National Law and Regulations but also used as a record of the children on the premises should an emergency evacuation be required to be implemented.
National Quality Standard (NQS)
QUALITY AREA 2: Children's Health and Safety |
2.1.1 | Wellbeing and comfort | Each child’s wellbeing and comfort is provided for, including appropriate opportunities to meet each child’s needs for sleep, rest and relaxation. |
2.2 | Safety | Each child is protected. |
2.2.1 | Supervision | At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard. |
2.2.2 | Incident and emergency management | Plans to effectively manage incidents and emergencies are developed in consultation with relevant authorities, practiced and implemented. |
2.2.3 | Child protection | Managemen1t, educators and staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities to identify and respond to every child at risk of abuse or neglect. |
We aim to ensure the protection and safety of all children, staff members, and families accessing the School. Educators and staff will only release children to an authorised person as named by the parent/guardian on the individual child’s enrolment form.Scope
This policy applies to children, families, staff, management and visitors of the School.Implementation
Guidelines for delivery and collection of children are put in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of each individual child.As part of our Risk Management process, our School may introduce explicit control measures to minimise the risk of spreading infectious diseases/viruses such as coronavirus (COVID-19). Our risk assessment may result in changes to our Arrival and Departure Policy and are based on mitigating risks following the recommendations made by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC), Safe Work Australia and the Department of Health. Control measures and changes to policies are reviewed in consultation with staff members and communicated clearly to parents, families and visitors.
The Approved Provider/Nominated Supervisor/Responsible Person will ensure:
- adequate supervision is provided when children arrive and depart the school premises
- relevant educator to child ratios are adhered to at all times
- accurate attendance records are kept
- children only leave the education and care premises in the care of a parent /guardian or authorised person or in accordance with written authorisation as per Regulation 99
- enrolment records are kept for each child enrolled in the School including the name, address and contact details of
- any emergency contacts
- any authorised nominee
- any person authorised to consent to medical treatment or administration of medication
- any person authorised to give permission to the educator to take the child off the premises
- any person who is authorised to authorize the education and care service to transport the child or arrange transportation
- details of any court order, parenting orders or parenting plan
- authorisations for the school to take the child on regular outings
- authorisations for the school to take the child on regular transportation
- any medical management plan, anaphylaxis medical management plan or risk minimisation plan
- should any serious incident occur, an Incident, injury, trauma or illness record must be completed (see Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy and Procedure)
- in the case of a serious incident occurring, the regulatory authority must be notified within 24 hours through the NQA IT System
- all new educators and staff are provided with an induction to the School including an understanding of this policy
- all educators and staff are provided with procedures and training on how they will verify the identity of an authorised nominee or a person authorised by the parent or authorised nominee to collect the child (including procedures of what to do when an unauthorised person attempts to collect a child)
Arrival At School
Our School has an obligation to ensure the health and safety of employees, children and visitors in our workplace, so far as reasonably practicable.Our School has implemented the following measures:
- any person visiting our School- including families ‘dropping off’ children, must sign a Parent/Visitor Health Declaration confirming that they have not:
- been in close contact with anyone with a positive COVID-19 diagnosis in the past 14 days
- returned from a state or territory where self-isolation border measures are in place
- any person who is displaying symptoms such as: fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath should not attend our School under any circumstance
- parents and visitors are currently NOT permitted to enter our School unless this is prearranged with the Approved Provider/Nominate Supervisor (collection of a sick child, interview for enrolment)
- a designated area for drop off/ pick up will be clearly indicated
- signage clearly indicates the requirement of all adults to adhere to physical distancing requirements (1.5 metres)
- children will be welcomed outside our Service by an educator and a non-contact device used to sign their child into the School or parents are asked to bring their own pen to sign their child into the school
- the device will be disinfected between use
- all children need to be signed in by an authorised person. Note: the signing in of a child is verification of the accuracy of the attendance record. Information required on the register includes the child’s name, the date and time they arrive and the signature of the person dropping off the child
- the parent/authorised nominee must also advise staff who will be collecting the child/children
- children are required to wash their hands upon arrival or use the hand sanitiser provided
- families will be reminded to sign their child/children into the School and will be encouraged to do so immediately upon arrival to avoid forgetting
- should families forget to sign their child/children in, National Regulations require the Nominated Supervisor or educator to sign the child in
- sign in sheets/attendance records are to be used as a record in the case of an emergency to account for all children present at the School
- children are to be sighted by an educator before the parent or person responsible for the child leaves. This ensures that the educator is aware that the child has arrived and is in the building
- a child’s medication needs, or any other important or relevant information should be passed on to one of the child’s educators by the person delivering the child
- the educator will check that the family has completed an Administration of Medication Record and store the medication appropriately, away from children’s reach
- in order for children to feel secure and safe, it is important that children and families are greeted upon arrival by a member of staff and have the chance to say goodbye to the person dropping them off. Saying goodbye helps to build trust, while parents/guardians leaving without saying goodbye could cause the child to think they have been left behind.
- due to enhanced safety and hygiene measures to mitigate the risk of COVID-19, interactions with any educators or school staff will be limited and physical distancing will be adhered to at all times between adults
- should families require longer conversations regarding their child’s care, these should be conducted via phone or email where possible
- in the case of a separated family, either biological parent is able to add a contact in writing unless a court order is provided to the Director stating that one parent has sole custody and responsibility.
Departure From The School
Our School has implemented the following measures:- Children may only leave the School premises if the child leaves:
- in accordance with the written authorisation of the child’s parent/guardian or authorised nominee named in the enrolment record; or
- taken on an excursion or on transportation provided or arranged by the school with the written authorisation of the child’s parent or authorised nominee; or
- given into the care of a person or taken outside the premises; or
- because the child requires medical, hospital or ambulance care or treatment; or
- because of another emergency (evacuation due to bush fire, flood)
- in the case of an emergency, (because the child requires medical, hospital or ambulance care or treatment), where the parent or a previously authorised nominee (as indicated in the child’s enrolment form) is unable to collect the child, the parent or person responsible for the child (as listed on enrolment form as having a parenting role) may telephone the school and arrange an alternative person to pick up the child. This contact must then be confirmed in writing to the School (email, text or letter)
- parents/guardians are to advise their child’s educator if someone different is picking up their child, both verbally and on the sign in/out sheet. This person is to be named on the enrolment form or added in writing to management as an authorised nominee or authorised person for the child.
- photo identification must be sighted by a Primary Contact Educator before the child is released. If educators cannot verify the person’s identity, they may be unable to release the child into that person’s care, even if the person is named on the enrolment form
- all children must be signed out by their parent (or a person authorised by the parent) when the child is collected from our School including each child’s name, date and time they depart. If the parent or other person forgets to sign the child out, they will be signed out by the Nominated Supervisor or educator.
- tablets used to sign children out of the school must be disinfected between use/ pens must be wiped with a disinfectant wipe between uses or parents are requested to use their own pen
- children must be signed out on the same sheet that they were signed in on
- parents/guardians or authorised person are requested to arrive to collect their child/children by 6.00pm.
- no child will be withheld from an authorised contact or biological parent named on the enrolment form unless a current court order is on file at the School
- in the case of a particular person (including a biological parent) being denied access to a child, the school requires a written notice (court order) from a court of law.
- educators will attempt to prevent that person from entering the school and taking the child however, the safety of other children and educators must be considered.
- educators will not be expected to physically prevent any person from leaving the school
- in such cases, the parent with custody will be contacted along with the local police and appropriate authorities
- where possible the educator will provide police with the make, colour, and registration number of the vehicle being driven by the unauthorised person, and the direction of travel when they left the school.
- a court order overrules any requests made by parents to adapt or make changes. For the protection of the children and educators, family members are asked not to give our front door code to anyone other than those absolutely necessary.
- in the case of a serious incident occurring, as described above, the regulatory authority must be notified within 24 hours through the NQA IT System
- Nominated Supervisor/Responsible Person will ensure that the authorised nominee pick-up list for each child is kept up to date. It is our policy that we do not allow anyone under the age of 16 to collect children
- if the person collecting the child appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, and educators feel that the person is unfit to take responsibility for the child, educators will:
- discuss their concerns with the person, without the child being present if possible, and
- suggest they contact another parent or authorised nominee to collect the child
- follow procedures to protect the safety of children and staff of the education and care school as per Child Protection Law and Child Protection Policy
- contact the Police and other regulatory authorities (Child Protection Hotline 132 111)
- if an authorisation to collect a child is refused by the School, it is best practice to document the actions for evidence to authorities (refer to Refusal of Authorisation Record).
- at the end of each day educators will check indoor and outdoor premises including all rooms and storage rooms, beds and cots, and storage sheds to ensure that no child remains on the premises after the school closes
- children may leave the premises in the event of an emergency, including medical emergencies as outlined in our Emergency Evacuation Policy
- details of absences during the day will be recorded.
Our School has implemented the following measures:- to ensure we meet Work Health and Safety requirements and ensure a child safe environment, individuals visiting our School must sign in when they arrive at the school and sign out when they leave
- to minimise the risk of exposure to COVID-19, our School may restrict the number of visitors to our premises including students on work placements, volunteers, additional family members, delivery of goods or contractors
- signage will clearly indicate who is permitted to enter the School
- signage will alert all adults to adhere to physical distancing requirements
- all visitors must adhere to our Handwashing Policy and wash their hands upon arrival and departure of the School.
Late Collection of Children
Our School has implemented the following measures:- if there are children still present at the School upon closing, it is best practice to ensure a minimum of two educators remain until all children are collected.
- instruction to parents; “Please remember that our educators have families to go home to and their own children to collect by a designated time. If you are late to collect your child two educators have to stay behind and therefore both have to be paid overtime. To cover this, a late fee of $15 per 15 minutes or part thereof will be charged (e.g., if you are 5 minutes late you will be charged for a 15-minute block. If you are 20 minutes late you will be charged for two 15-minute blocks, etc.)”.
- if parents/guardians know that they are going to be late, they must notify the School. If possible, they should make arrangements for someone else to collect their child.
- if they have not arrived by 6:00pm the school will attempt to contact them via phone. If parents/authorised persons are unable to be contacted the Nominated Supervisor will call alternative contacts as listed on the enrolment form to organise collection of the child.
- due to licensing and insurance purposes, if by 6pm neither the parent or any of the authorised nominee are available or contactable, the School may need to contact the police and other relevant authorities
- if the child is taken to an alternative safe location for example: Police Station, a sign will be displayed at the School notifying parents/guardian of the child’s whereabouts. If this occurs, the School will be obligated to contact relevant Child Protection Agencies and notify the Regulatory Authority.
- where families are continually late to collect children, a Late Collection of Children letter will be presented to parents/guardians
- should this non-compliance continue, the school reserves the right to terminate a child’s enrolment.
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. (2014).Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA). 20201. Policy and Procedure Guidelines. Delivery to, and Collection from Education and Care Services.
Australian Government. Department of Education, Skills and Employment. Belonging, Being and Becoming. The Early Years Framework for Australia. (2009)
Australian Government Department of Health Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC)
Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics. (2016).
Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010. (Amended 2018).
Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2011)
Guide to the Education and Care Services National Law and the Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2017).
Guide to the National Quality Framework. (2018). (Amended 2020).
National Health and Medical Research Council. (2013). Staying healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early
childhood education and care services. (5th Ed.).
Revised National Quality Standard. (2018).
Safe Work Australia (2020)
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