Student and Volunteer Policy


    Our School values the participation of students and volunteers. Having students and voluntary workers within the School helps to inform the community about our program and the value of the work we do. Students and voluntary workers are welcome at the School; however, the children’s care and safety are our first priority.

    QUALITY AREA 7: Governance and Leadership
    7.1GovernanceGovernance supports the operation of a quality school.
    7.1.1School philosophy and purposeA statement of philosophy guides all aspects of the school’s operations.
    7.1.2Management systemsSystems are in place to manage risk and enable the effective management and operation of a quality school.
    7.1.3Roles and responsibilitiesRoles and responsibilities are clearly defined and understood and support effective decision-making and operation of the school.
    7.2LeadershipEffective leadership builds and promotes a positive organisational culture and professional learning community.
    7.2.2Educational leadershipThe educational leader is supported and leads the development and implementation of the educational program and assessment and planning cycle.
    7.2.3Development of professionalsEducators, co-ordinations and staff members’’ performance is regularly evaluated and individual plans are in place to support learning and development.


    Our School supports participation of work placement students (including work experience students) and volunteers wanting to develop professional skills and knowledge in their effort to become Early Childhood Professionals. We aim to build relationships with community members, providing appropriate learning opportunities for students and volunteers to contribute to our program. To ensure a professional and pleasurable learning experience, students and volunteers will be encouraged to participate in the centre’s daily routine and assist in accordance with their qualification level to work with children under the National Quality Framework requirements.


    This policy applies to children, families, staff, management, and visitors of the School.


    We have a strong commitment to provide a range of opportunities for volunteers and students to participate in programs and activities while adhering to clear guidelines regarding appropriate interactions and communication with staff, and other adults and children at the School.

    “In genuine partnerships families and educators’ value each other’s knowledge and roles, communicate freely and respectfully and engage in shared decision making” (Early Years Learning Framework, 2009).

    Management and Nominated Supervisor/Responsible Person will ensure: 

    • appoint an educator to be the Student Supervisor/mentor for the duration of the placement
    • conduct an orientation for the student or volunteer including taking the student or volunteer on a tour of the School, showing emergency exits, staff room and bathroom facilities.
    • negotiate with the student or volunteer the times/hours to be worked, and dates of the placement.
    • advise students or volunteer to bring in a poster with a photo introducing themselves and outlining the reason for their placement
    • inform families, children, and educators when work experience students and volunteers are present at the School, including their role and hours they will be attending the School
    • ensure work placement students or volunteers are never left alone with children or included in the ratio of adult to children
    • ensure students and volunteers are aware that they must not discuss concerns, issues or complaints with parents, guardians and/or visitors
    • introduce the student or volunteer to educators and the Lead Educator
    • assist the student or volunteer to complete the Educator Acknowledgement Checklist (see Appendix 1)
    • show the student or volunteer where they can access the School policies
    • ensure the student or volunteer has signed a confidentiality agreement prior to commencing their placement.
    • discuss any relevant important information about specific children to the student or volunteer (i.e. court orders, additional needs, dietary needs) so that the student or volunteer is aware of potential issues
    • liaise with learning institutions and accept suitable student placements under the institution’s supervision
    • assist learning institutions to place suitable students with individual educators
    • ensure student’s paperwork and insurances are current
    • ensure each student or volunteer holds a current Working with Children Check [or similar in each state/territory] prior to commencing their placement
    • verify each student or volunteers Working With Children Check
    • ensure students and volunteers provide an immunisation status (including COVID-19 vaccination or a medical contradiction certificate if required. Please check your state/territory requirements).
    • make sure that students and volunteers understand child protection policies and procedures and who to report a concern to. 

    Educator will:

    • maintain open communication with work experience students and volunteers along with their practicum teachers about their performance
    • support all student’s and volunteer’s practicum requirements to the best of their ability during the placement
    • work as a team sharing appropriate skills and knowledge with each student and volunteer
    • ensure all colleagues are provided with relevant information about tasks the student is required to complete in the school as part of their practicum
    • be aware of student and volunteer expectations
    • have the time and proficiencies to support each student and volunteer in their placement
    • encourage students to seek help and advice as required
    • be positive role model, showing appropriate behaviour and conduct themselves in a professional manner
    • guide the students or volunteer throughout the day
    • make the student or volunteer feel welcome and a valued member of the team
    • ensure the student or volunteer is not left alone with a child or children.
    The Lead Educator/ Room Leader or Studio Teacher will:
    • discuss the progress of written work and performance with the student or volunteer
    • discuss any concerns raised by the student with the Student Supervisor
    • ensure students or volunteers are directly supervised at all times during children’s nappy change times
    • encourage students and volunteers to use their initiative
    • ensure the student or volunteer remains up to date with their assessments/tasks to be completed
    • discuss concerns with student or volunteer with management
    • never leave the student or volunteer alone with a child or children
    • provide honest and accurate feedback to the student’s training institution supervisor as required


    • learn about the children through interaction and practical experience
    • develop the skills and knowledge needed to care for and educate children
    • learn about the importance of working as part of a team in the Early Childhood profession
    • learn strategies for working in a team environment
    • learn and accommodate the expectations of qualified educators in the School
    • inform their room leader in writing of what will be expected of them by their training body, University or School, or any other training organisation, and provide time sheets and evaluation forms
    • keep up to date with all written work requirements
    • work a variety of shifts to gain knowledge of different aspects of School operations
    • bring in a poster introducing themselves that will include:
      • Name
      • Photo
      • Course they are studying
      • RTO/university/school they are studying with
      • Dates and times they will be at the School
      • The focus of their study.
    • discuss any problems the student may be experiencing with their room leader.
    • adhere to all School policies and procedures
    • never remove a child from direct staff supervision
    • provide immunisation status (including COVID-19 vaccination or a medial contraindication certificate if required. Please check your state/territory requirements).


    • All students and volunteers will supply identity details to the Nominated Supervisor
    • All students and volunteers will complete a Working with Children Check [or similar in each state/territory prior to commencing their placement]
    • All students and volunteers will have a meeting with the Nominated Supervisor to receive information regarding the following school policies:
    • Child protection
    • Child Safe Environment
    • Privacy and Confidentiality
    • Dealing with Complaints
    • Work, Health and Safety
    • Code of conduct
    • Safe Transportation
    • Photography
    • Social Media


    If educators feel that the student is at risk of failing their practicum, the following steps will be taken:

    1. the Lead Educator will alert the Student’s training institution Supervisor of any concerns regarding the student.
    2. both the Student Supervisor and the Lead Educator will discuss concerns with the student.
    3. the Lead Educator will arrange for the student’s supervisor/assessor to visit the School and discuss concerns that have ascended.
    4. the student’s educational institution and Nominated Supervisor will govern the outcome of the practicum.


    Termination of a student’s or volunteer’s placement will occur if the student or volunteer

    • harms or is at risk of harming a child in their care
    • is under the influence of non-prescription drugs or alcohol
    • fails to notify the School if they will not be attending the School
    • does not adhere to starting times or break times
    • is observed using repeated inappropriate behaviour at the School
    • does not comply with all policies and procedures addressed in the student package
    • does not provide the photo with an introduction on commencement
    • does not keep up to date with their work placement tasks
    • removes any child or children from the direct supervision of an educator.


    Department of Education, Education and Skills (2009). Belonging, being and becoming: The early years learning
    framework for Australia. 
    Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010(Amended 2018).
    Education and Care Services National Regulations. (2011).
    Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).
    Fair Work Commission: Anti-bullying jurisdiction.
    Guide to the National Quality Framework. (2018). (Amended 2020).
    Office of the Director of Equal Opportunity in Public Employment. (1996). Dealing with employee
    work-related concerns and grievances: Policy and guidelines:
    Revised National Quality Standards. (2018).
    Safe Work Australia. (2016). Guide for preventing and responding to workplace bullying
    Work Health and Safety Act, 2011.
    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us