Fall HVAC set ups

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    Sanctuary choir outdoor air supply

    And during the last week or two of September, monitor the temperature of the sanctuary to know when to turn off the quire outside air system. If the temperature of the sanctuary is 66° or thereabouts and steady turn off the air. If the sanctuary has a large group of people who can turn it on for that period of time. The building seems to maintain itself at around 66° for several weeks during the beginning of fall. 
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    Sanctuary fall temperature settings

    During the season of fall, sometime around the last two weeks of September the temperature of the building will become 66° and does not require heating or cooling. The system needs to be switched from Full cooling to partial. This allows for cooling on warmer days and heating on cooler days. This is achieved by switching some of the fan coil units (FCU) to the heat mode while leaving others in the cooling mode. The units are numbered in this document starting at the Hamilton Avenue exterior door as number 14, counting clockwise with the number one unit in the north west corner.
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