What Does "On Air" Mean?


On Air is the term we use to describe when you are actually presenting.

Go On Air

When you first arrive at your building, open Proclaim and click On Air (or the keyboard shortcut, F5) to start presenting. 

On Air

Note: To go On Air from a particular service item, right-click the service item in your Order of Service panel on the left and select Go On Air (or press Shift + F5 with a service item selected).

Proclaim will follow your Order of Service, looping through your pre-service loop before automatically transitioning to the warm-up section, and finally to your service section at the service time you provide. Learn more about determining the length of your pre-service loop.


Go Off Air

When your service ends, press the escape key on your keyboard or deselect On Air

If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us