Bosch Burglar Alarm Operating Notes (Leadership)

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    Bosch burglar alarm schedule

    Schedule Terms:
    Begin = disarm
    End = arm
    Open = disarm
    Close = arm
    Burglar alarm Open/Close Times

    (Disarmed) Schedule
    Current, as of 9/21/2022 Alarm Open (Disarmed) Schedule
    Monday          5:55 AM… 9:35 PM
    Tuesday         5:55 AM… 11:55 PM
    Wednesday    5:55 AM… 10:00 PM
    Thursday        5:55 AM… 9:35 PM (hall, doors close at 9:45 PM)
    Friday             5:55 AM… 9:35 PM
    Saturday         5:55 AM… 9:35 PM
    Sunday           5:55 AM…9:35 PM

    • Main St. & both Elevators Unlock Schedule times follow Tuesday and Sunday.
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    Manual, partial setting of the burglar alarm

    The campus alarm can be partially set for overnight guests.
    • Contact property manager for assistance.
    • They must open the Bosch Phone App one or two minutes before 9:35 PM. 
    • Once the button starts to indicate that it is arming press it to turn it off. 
    • Once it is off, press the Advanced button and then turn on needed areas 
      • i.e. for IHN - A-1 Sanctuary, A-3 3C's School and A-4 Care Center. 
      • Leaving A-2 turned off allows for Exterior entry/exit and movement in the Office/Activity building; Atrium; Fellowship Hall and Learning Center Lobby, Basement and 2nd floor. 
    • Our guest should be notified that during this alarm setting process they will hear the keypad signal beeping until the alarm has been turned off. That is inevitable because you can't turn it off until it starts to turn on.
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    Bypass Devices when a device will not clear or set.

    To Bypass a device that is beeping.
    • Press Bypass
    • Enter your password
    • Press the device number
    • Press Enter

    When you take a point out of bypass mode it may take 24 hours for the bypass to clear. this is what happened with the Water-bug in the Sanctuary.

    If this does not resolve issue, Call IPS for service at 513 631-5505

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    Extend Close Time of Burglar Alarm

    To extend the time beyond the scheduled time, use the following steps: 

    To Extend Close Time (Version 1): From a Bosch Panel
    • Quickly Press: CMD 51
    • Enter your password
    • Enter the desired time
    • Press Enter
    • Enter AM or PM
    • Press Enter.
    Notes: This will only be in effect for one day, after which the next schedule takes effect. The latest time that can be entered is 11:55 PM, the system will not accept times past midnight.

    To Extend Close Time (Version 2): From a Bosch Panel
    The way to this through the keyboard is to press:
    • CMD 8
    • Key 1
    • Key 4
    • Enter password
    • Enter
    • Start Time Displays 9:34pm
    • Enter new Close time 10:00
    • Select am or pm
    • Press Enter

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    RPS lite history

    To download the history in RPS lite, click on the document page icon with the down arrow and clock which will open a window for history events. Choose current events and click OK. This process downloads an unreasonable amount of data so it takes 5,10 or 20 minutes or longer. After the history is downloaded, you can click on the other page icon to the left to view it. The oldest event is at the top of the page so you have to scroll to the bottom for the most recent. To view event details, scroll to the right or expand the window. This will show the name of the person that enabled the event if appropriate.
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    Bosch Alarm Panel Manual

    File links will expire in 15 minutes. Refresh the page to access the files again.
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    Black Bosch keypad

    These are located in the Atrium north vestibule, Learning Center Lobby, 3C’s Lobby, South Atrium, Care Center, Sanctuary East Entrance and Learning Center basement west entrance. 
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    Phone Alert Order

    When an issue occurs, the system will make phone calls to notify staff. 

    Master Account 6B0061
    Account S18636

    Property Manager is primary contact.
    Executive Director is secondary contact

    Code under stress is 5742

    Call Order as of 9/21/23
    Monday thru Friday
    Name                    Time Available                Phone
    Michael Gaines     0:00-23:59 513            513-349-4851
    Greg Fischer         0:00-23:59                   513-543-9495
    Samuel Mock        0:00-23:59                   513-507-2929
    Drew Smith           0:00-23:59                   513-235-4011

    Parties will be called in sequence 2 times until reached.
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    Emergency24 Contact Numbers

    Customer Service Department

    Direct Number: (847) 227-2508

    Data Entry Department

    Direct Number: (800) 929-1507

    Technical Support

    Direct Numbers: (773) 458-2288 or (800) 926-1511

If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us