Calendar: What's the difference between Filters and Views?
Within the calendar, you can show or hide various events from the screen. There are two ways to do this. 
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    When to use Filters

    Filters allow you to show/hide events based on certain criteria. Filters are additive, meaning that if you select multiple filters, you will see events that match at least one of your selections. 



    These include:

    • Property: Show events that are marked with a certain property (you can define your properties within calendar settings).
    • Equipment: Show events that use certain equipment such as chairs, projectors, coffee service, etc. (you can set up your equipment items within calendar settings).
    • Rooms: Show events that take place in specific room(s) (you can set up your rooms within calendar settings).
    • Vehicles: Show events that require vehicles, such as van or bus (you can set up your vehicles within calendar settings). 
    • People: Show events that involve specific people. People are added when events are created, and they must be people who are already in your database as individuals.
    • Campus: If your church is multi-campus, you can show events that only take place at a certain campus (set up your campuses within calendar settings).
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    When to use Views

    Views are simply a collection of Filters, which you save for easy re-use later. Once a View has been created, you can show it anytime, and you can also embed it on another Website. Learn more about creating Views on your calendar. 
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