15.03 Sabbatical Leave

College Hill Presbyterian Church recognizes that all staff members require time away from work to be to be refreshed in mind, body, and soul. A Sabbatical is a mutual commitment in the long-term ministry of both staff team member and the congregation. It is a time set aside for the spiritual renewal of both. The staff member benefits from the opportunity to disengage from his/her regular tasks and rigors of twenty-four hours a day responsibility. It is a time for rest, reflection, and re-creation; a time for personal spiritual growth; an opportunity for renewed vision and commitment to ministry.
A full-time ministerial staff team member who has served for a period of six (6) consecutive years at CHPC is eligible to apply for a Sabbatical to be taken in their seventh (7th) year.  Circumstances such as a change in ministry focus, a building program or other particularly demanding issues will influence the timing and frequency of leaves.
  1. Full-time ordained pastors may receive up to 10 weeks Sabbatical. Full time ministerial employees at the director level may receive a paid Sabbatical up to six (6) weeks every 7 years.
  2. The timing must be such that the essential activities of the church’s ministry will not be compromised and will last no more than 6 weeks.  Members of the ministerial team are expected to coordinate coverage for ministry responsibilities for the staff team member who is gone. Requests for leave must include recommendations for coverage of his/her key areas of responsibility.
  3. Vacation time is not to be attached to the Sabbatical unless circumstances warrant, and it has been approved in advance. It is anticipated that a ministerial staff member may not be able to use all his/her vacation time in a year in which a Sabbatical is granted. No additional payments will be made for unused vacation.
  4. Sabbatical leaves may not be accumulated.
  5. There may be no more than one ministerial staff member on leave at any given time.
  6. There may not be more than one Sabbatical per calendar year or within six months of one another.
  7. By taking a Sabbatical Leave, the employee agrees to return to their responsibilities at CHPC for at least one year after completing the leave. Part of the approval process will include an agreement to reimburse the church for the paid sabbatical if the employee leaves prior to one year after completing the leave.
  8. The ministerial staff team member must submit a written proposal to the Staff Support Team (SST) and Senior Pastor at least six months in advance for approval by the Senior Pastor, SST and Session. In case of the Senior Pastor’s leave, SST and Session will be the review and approval body for the request.
    1. The proposal should include the purpose of the leave, beginning and ending dates, anticipated benefits to the applicant and the congregation.
    2. The proposal will be reviewed, and a decision communicated to the applicant within two months. At that time, a plan will be developed for ministry coverage, a contact person to be the liaison between the church and the ministerial staff team member during the leave, and information given to the congregation about the leave.
    3. A time will be set aside during a regular worship service to “send out” the ministerial staff team member with encouragement and blessing.
    4. A written report summarizing the Sabbatical Leave is expected from the ministerial staff team member within one month of returning from the leave. It will be shared with the Senior Pastor, SST, Session, and the Congregation as appropriate.
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