9 am Service in Sanctuary - Deacon Duties

Optional 8:00 am prayer time in the Prayer Room.

Otherwise, arrive by 8:30 am for meeting/prayer in Atrium. Get bulletins and any additional handouts and go to stations.
  1. 1

    Station 1 - Front Doors from Parking Lot

    • Greet and hand out bulletins. 
    • If someone is new and has kids, direct them to front desk to register. 
    • Be on watch for people who need help. 
    • Check donation envelopes at the boxes. 

    Remain until 9:15 am.
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    Station 2 - Hamilton Ave Entrance

    Before Service
    • Check in with service leaders to introduce yourself and communicate regarding any last minute needs/concerns/changes in schedule.
    • Unlock Hamilton Ave entrance; prop open doors in back of Sanctuary; change cloth on table if there’s one set out. (Normally Claire Snyder changes cloth when needed). 
    • Greet and hand out bulletins. 
    • Light all candles at 8:45. 
    During Service
    • Count attendees in sanctuary left side and chapel (excluding staff and choir) during choir anthem if other deacons are not in place to do so. 
    • On first Sunday, dismiss attendees by rows for communion. Dismiss from the front, at a pace that has 2 or 3 up front at all times. 
    After Service
    • Extinguish all candles 
    • check & maintain candles for next service 
    • close all doors; lock door to Hamilton Ave 
    • when everyone has left; collect trash from pews. 
    • Check donation envelopes at donation boxes. 
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    Station 3 - Handicap Entrance

    Before Service:
    • Greet and hand out bulletins 
    • Assist anyone in wheelchair. 
    • Place water bottle at podium. 
    • Ring the bell at 8:45 (6-12 times) 
    During Service
    • Remain until 9:10, 
    • then count attendees on right side of sanctuary on way to Hamilton Ave doors. 
    • Help dismiss attendees for communion on first Sunday. 
    After Service
    • Help clean up sanctuary. 
    • Ring the bell immediately after service ends (6-12 times). 
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    Station 4 - Atrium Steps

    Before Service
    • Verify all four doors are held open with magnetic stops.
    • Set the Chapel two doors exit bar "hold down" by clipping them to the exit bar.
    • Greet and hand out bulletins.
    •  Assist people coming in if needed. 
    During Service
    • Close the two chapel doors with glass. (Prevents atrium echo)
    • Remain until 9:15
    • Monitor area and float to assist other deacons. 
    • Help dismiss attendees for communion on first Sunday. 
    After the Service
    • Release the Chapel two doors exit bar hold down by pressing the small button on the bottom of the "hold down".
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    After 9 am service

    1. Check in with other Deacons to see if others need assistance.
    2. Walk through campus to look for opportunities to help or pray
    3. Make sure you are available in the atrium and sanctuary.
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    Station 5 - Parking Lot

    Before Service:
    • In parking lot, welcome and assist people as they enter the church
    • provide umbrella if needed
    During Service
    • Remain until 9:15
If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us