16.05 Administration of Leave of Absence

The following general provisions apply to all leaves of absence:
  • A request for an extension of a leave of absence must be made in writing prior to the expiration date of the original leave, and when appropriate, must be accompanied by a health provider’s written statement that certifies the need for the extension.
  • Failure to return to work on the first workday following the expiration of an approved leave of absence may be considered a voluntary termination.
  • Coverage under CHPC’s group insurance plans will be continued on the following basis: CHPC will continue to contribute to insurance premiums, as if the employee were actively at work.  Life insurance and short- and long-term disability insurance are not eligible for continuation during leaves of absence. Employees must arrangement with CHPC to pre-pay their share of group insurance premiums before going on leave of absence. Employees who fail to return to work at the end of an approved leave of absence may be required to reimburse CHPC for group insurance premiums paid by CHPC while the employee was on leave.
  • Employees on leave of absence may be subject to lay off on the same basis as employees who are actively at work.
  • Employees on leave of absence must communicate with CHPC on a regular basis, at least once each month, regarding their status and anticipated return to work date.
  • Employees on leave of absence who seek or accept other employment without CHPC’s prior written approval may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination.
  • Employees who falsify the reason for their leave of absence may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination.
  • All leaves of absence must be approved in advance, in writing, by SST.
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