The Deacons shall be the primary unit responsible for the safety and security of all persons in attendance at regular worship services, whether in the Sanctuary or other campus locations.

The assigned Deacon Co-Captain will be the point person for emergencies associated with medical care, fire alarm evacuation and any additional security threat.  Co-Captain will communicate with the Deacons/ushers to ensure appropriate action is taken as outlined below and will de-brief with appropriate church staff following the incident.

Please reference the Emergency Contact List as needed.

  1. 1

    Medical Emergency

    Medical Emergency
    Immediately alert Captain and Co-Captain to the location and nature of emergency.  Ensure the person is in a safe area.   Captain will notify in-house medical help to evaluate next step.  If AED is needed, captain will direct a deacon to retrieve from the atrium (located on column near the front desk).   Captain will call 911 or specifically assign someone, if needed.   

    For the privacy of the ill person, please be discreet and keep by-standers away from the area to avoid confusion.

  2. 2

    Securing Campus - Lockdown if Needed

    Securing Campus – Lockdown if Needed
    In the event campus doors need to be locked, staff has the capacity from their phones to lock all automatic doors.  If a staff person is not in sight, contact facility manager, Michael Gaines at 513-349-4851 and report the campus needs to be locked down.   

  3. 3

    Emergency Personnel Needed

    Emergency Personnel Needed
    In the event that emergency personnel are needed, please have a designated person (captain, co-captain or designed) to call 911 and provide the specific details.  This will help to reduce confusion and ensure that accurate information is relayed.

  4. 4

    Fire Evacuation

    Fire Evacuation
    In the case of a fire, an alarm will sound.  Co-captain check the alarm panels for the exact location of the fire.  Assign a deacon to inform the nursery area teachers, a deacon for children’s area, and deacon for adult classes and deacon to evacuate the atrium and fireside room.   

     Inform leaders in each area as to the location of fire and if evacuation is necessary.  In Sanctuary, preaching pastor will direct attendees to proper doors.   Deacons/ushers be alert to those who need help and assist accordingly.  Check all restrooms to ensure all areas evacuated.

    See "Fire Alarm Operational Instructions" for details fire alarm panel.
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