Setting up Check-In Station 1

These are instructions and troubleshooting directions for the kiosk check-in system for Sunday morning. There is a sequence to starting up the ipads so that the printers are attached properly. Be sure to set up Check-In Station 1 BEFORE setting up Check-In Station 2.
  1. 1

    Open IPad

  2. 2

    Enter Passcode - 5742

    Unlock screen code is 5742 
  3. 3

    Open Check-In App on IPad

    Tap on Check-In Icon
  4. 4

    Turn on Label Maker

    Turn on power to label maker. Label maker is located on the shelf below the ipad.
  5. 5

    Select Options in bottom left corner

  6. 6

    Select Check-In Station

  7. 7

    Select Check-In Station 1 and Done

  8. 8

    Return to Options Menu & Select Printers

  9. 9

    Select Label Printer and Done

    There should only be one label printer available. This is the printer you select. Then select Done.

    • If you do not see any printers, check to be sure the printer is turned on. Select skip and then select printer again to search for available printers again. It can take a couple minutes before the printer is visible to the iPad. You can check if the wifi signal is solid on the printer.
    • We have hard coded the printer options under the Manual printer. Even though you will see multiple printers available on the search, select the manual printer associated with the Check-In Station.
    • If you see more than one printer option. Check the other label maker and make sure it is turned off. You need to select the printers one at a time. By not turning on the 2nd printer until the first one is selected, you eliminate the potential of selecting the wrong printer.
    • Check-In Station 1 (Sunday School) uses printer
    • Check-In Station 2 uses printer (Nursery)
    Rev. 04/02/24 by MLG
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