Dashboard: Widget Types and Setup

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    1. Spiritual Growth - Milestones

    The ChMS has up to 10 administrator configurable Date Fields.  One or more of these can be defined to represent a date that is an important milestone to track for your members, such as Baptism.  

    Small / Medium Widget

    When creating the Small or Medium widget along with the title of the Milestone you are asked to select a Date Range.  The Date Range represents the current time period.

    If you select Day, the widget will display a quantity of people that have reached the Milestone today.

    If you select Week, the widget will display a quantity of people that have reached the Milestone this week.

    If you select Month, the widget will display a quantity of people that have reached the Milestone this month.

    If you select Quarter, the widget will display a quantity of people that have reached the Milestone this quarter.

    If you select Year, the widget will display a quantity of people that have reached the Milestone this year.

    Large Widget

    The Large Widget will give you a different perspective of the Milestone data and the ability to view the data a little differently. There is the ability to plot the data using a bar or line graph, or you may choose to list the names of all the individuals that have met the milestone you are tracking.  

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    2. Giving - Contributions

    Small / Medium Widget

    When creating the Small or Medium widget, along with the Group of people you are interested in reporting on you are asked to select a Date Range.  The Date Range represents the current time period.

    If you select Day, the widget will display an amount that was given today.

    If you select Week, the widget will display an amount that was given this week.

    If you select Month, the widget will display an amount that was given the current month.

    If you select Quarter, the widget will display an amount that was given the current quarter.

    If you select Year, the widget will display will display an amount that was given the current year.

    Large Widget

    When creating a Large Widget and you navigate to the last page of the Wizard, you are asked a question that starts out “Number of”.   On the previous page you had selected what time period you were interested in. Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year. The “Number of” is quantity of values you want to plot on the chart.  This gives you the ability to view older data farther back than available, using the Small or Medium Widget

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    3. Giving - People

    Small / Medium Widget

    When creating the Small or Medium widget, along with the Group of people you are interested in reporting on you are asked to select a Date Range.  The Date Range represents the current time period.

    If you select Day, the widget will display the quantity of people that gave today.

    If you select Week, the widget will display the quantity of people that gave this week.

    If you select Month, the widget will display the quantity of people that gave this month.

    If you select Quarter, the widget will the quantity of people that gave this current quarter.

    If you select Year, the widget will display will display the quantity of people that gave this current year.

    Large Widget

    When creating a Large Widget and you navigate to the last page of the Wizard, you are asked a question that starts out “Number of”.   On the previous page you had selected what time period you were interested in. Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year. The “Number of” is quantity of values you want to plot on the chart.  This gives you the ability to view older data farther back than available, using the Small or Medium Widget.

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    4. Pledges - Pledged

    Small / Medium Widget

    Small and Medium Widgets are used to display the amount of money currently Pledged to a Campaign.

    Large Widget

    A Large Pledged Widget will add a circular graph comparing the total pledges in relation to the Campaign goal

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    5. Pledges - Given

    Small / Medium Widget

    Small and Medium Widgets are used to display the amount of money actually given to a Campaign. The Medium Widget allows you to also include sentences with the percentage given compared to the required amount, and the percentage given compared to the total pledged.

    Large Widget

    A Large Pledges Given Widget will add a circular graph showing a comparison of money given in relationship to amount Pledged and the amount Required

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    6. Attendance

    Small / Medium Widget

    When creating the Small or Medium widget, along with the Group of people you are interested in reporting on you are asked to select a Date Range.  The Date Range represents the current time period.

    If you select Day, the widget will display the quantity of people that attended today.

    If you select Week, the widget will display the quantity of people that attended this week.

    If you select Month, the widget will display the quantity of people that attended the current month to-date.

    If you select Quarter, the widget will display the quantity of people that attended the current quarter to-date.

    If you select Year, the widget will display will display the quantity of people that attended the current year to-date.

    The Show Unique People selection allows you to narrow your focus on how many different people are attending for the time period selected.  As an example if you select “Show Unique People” for the Date Range = Month, Present Status = Present.  The group of 10 people you selected meets four times in that month, and all 10 people are present each of the times the group meets.   Selecting Show Unique People, will give you a value of 10.  If not selected, then you will get a value of 40 which represents a total of 40 records marked as present. 

    Large Widget

    When creating a Large Widget and you navigate to the last page of the Wizard, you are asked a question that starts out “Number of”.   On the previous page you had selected what time period you were interested in. Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year. The “Number of” is quantity of values you want to plot on the chart.  This gives you the ability to view older data farther back than available, using the Small or Medium Widget.

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    7. Individuals - Birthdays

    Small / Medium Widget

    When selecting Date Range = ‘Day’ you will see all Birthdays that are for the current day.

    The periods (Week, Month, Quarter, and Year) are a rolling forward time range. You can see the Birthdays that are today and the Birthdays that are upcoming for the time range selected.


    If you select week you will see all Birthdays that are current day plus the Birthdays that are to be celebrated in the next seven days.

    If you select month you will see all Birthdays that are current day plus the Birthdays that are to be celebrated up to one month in advance.

    If you select quarter, you will see all Birthdays that are current day plus the Birthdays that are to be celebrated in the next fourth of the year.

    When selecting year you will see all Birthdays that are current day plus Birthdays that are to be celebrated in the next 365 days.

    Large Widget

    When creating a large widget you are able to see more Birthdays displayed at one time and have some additional ability to customize the amount of data returned.

    A Date Range of Day will display the exact Number of Days you choose in the quantity field.

    Example; If Date Range = ‘Day’ and Number of days = ‘2’, you will see all Birthdays for today and tomorrow.

    The periods (Week, Month, Quarter, and Year) are a rolling forward time range. You can see the Birthdays that are today and the Birthdays that are upcoming for the time period selected.  In addition, you are asked to choose how many periods of the Date Range to display.

    Example; If Date Range = ‘Week’, and Number of Weeks = ‘2’, you will see all Birthdays that are current day plus the Birthdays that are to be celebrated in the next fourteen days.

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    8. Individuals - Anniversary

    Small / Medium Widgets

    When selecting Date Range = ‘Day’ you will see all Anniversaries that are for the current day.

    The periods (Week, Month, Quarter, and Year) are a rolling forward time range. You can see the Anniversaries that are today and the Anniversaries that are upcoming for the time range selected.

    Example; If you select week you will see all Anniversaries that are current day plus the Anniversaries that are to be celebrated in the next seven days.

    If you select month you will see all Anniversaries that are current day plus the Anniversaries that are to be celebrated up to one month in advance.

    If you select quarter, you will see all Anniversaries that are current day plus the Anniversaries that are to be celebrated in the next fourth of the year.

    When selecting year you will see all Anniversaries that are current day plus Anniversaries that are to be celebrated in the next 365 days.

    Large Widget

    When creating a large widget you are able to see more Anniversaries displayed at one time and have some additional ability to customize the amount of data returned.

    A Date Range of ‘Day’ will display the exact Number of Days you choose in the quantity field.

    Example; If Date Range = ‘Day’ and Number of days = ‘2’, you will see all Anniversaries for today and tomorrow.

    The periods (Week, Month, Quarter, and Year) are a rolling forward time range. You can see the Anniversaries that are today and the Anniversaries that are upcoming for the time period selected.  In addition, you are asked to choose how many periods of the Date Range to display.

    Example; If Date Range = ‘Week’, and Number of Weeks = ‘2’, you will see all Anniversaries that are current day plus the Anniversaries that are to be celebrated in the next fourteen days.

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    9. Individuals - Interactions

    Small / Medium Widgets

    When creating the Small or Medium widget, along with the Group of people you are reporting on, you are asked to select some additional values;

    The Date Range represents the current time period.

    The Action represents the Interaction to be done by an individual

    The Type represents the Interaction Status. 

    Assigned is the date the Interaction was first created and Assigned to an individual.  Outstanding is an Assigned Interaction that has not been Completed.  The Outstanding reference date is same as Assigned date.  So an Interaction is considered Outstanding from the very first day it is created until it is Completed.

    Completed is an Assigned Interaction that has been finished and marked as completed. The Completed Date is the date used for reporting.

    If you select Date Range = Day, the widget will display the quantity of the Interactions which match the Action and Interaction Type you selected that pertains to Today.

     Example; If Date Range = Day, Action = Email, Types = Assigned you will see the quantity of Email Interactions that have been Assigned Today.  

    If you select Week, the widget will display the quantity of the Interactions which match the Action and Interaction Type you selected that pertains to the current Week.

    Example; If Date Range = Day, Action = Email, Types = Outstanding you will see the quantity of Email Interactions that have been Assigned in the current Week to-date but not yet marked as Completed.

    If you select Month, the widget will display the quantity of the Interactions which match the Action and Interaction Type you selected that pertains to the current Month.

    Example; If Date Range = Day, Action = Email, Types = Completed  you will see the quantity of Email Interactions that have been Completed in the current Month to-date

    Large Widgets

    The Large Widget gives you the ability to display a comparison of all three Interaction status’s. The number displayed in the upper left side of the widget, and the text description on the right, represent current information for the interaction type you selected as your primary when designing the widget.  

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