Deacon Responsibilities & Expectations
1UsheringEvery deacon will usher once a month in a rotating schedule (unless your schedule requires you to have a set Sunday). On the day you usher, you are required to be at church 8:00 am until 12:30 pm. Please do not schedule other church service commitments on the Sunday you usher, when possible.
Deacons also usher special services, like funerals, Christmas Eve, Good Friday, and Ash Wednesday. You will receive texts/communications from the moderator, Joanne Cornelius, or Heather Lethander about needed ushers for funerals.
2DiasporaDiaspora comes from the Greek word "to scatter," and refers to any group of people scattered from their place of origin. We use the term diaspora to describe the act of taking and offering communion to those in our congregation that cannot come to church on Sunday, We typically serve communion, in pairs, to between 1-4 people living in Llanfair and Twin Towers, taking approximately 30 minutes to an hour, depending on how chatty you choose to be. Every deacon must serve Diaspora at least once per year.
Deacons serve Diaspora the first Sunday of every month. We typically skip January because of the recent holidays. Meet after second service for lunch and serving assignments. Assign 2 Deacons for each month, or allow them to sign up. An assignment/sign-up sheet will be circulated at deacon meeting and a schedule should be given by the third meeting. If for any reason you are unable to serve, please find a substitute and notify Moderator of change. -
3Monthly MeetingThe monthly meetings are currently set from for the first Tuesday of the month from
7-9 pm, There is no meeting in August due to the Block Party. The meeting in December is a dinner celebrating 3rd year deacons. All deacons are expected to attend all 10 meetings and the December dinner, be on time, listen, and keep private information private.
Monthly Meeting Food: Every deacon, in pairs, must provide the snacks for the monthly meeting atleast once per year. The better the food, the better the attendance.
4TeamsEvery deacon will serve on one of three teams that make up the deacons. You chose your team for one year, and may switch teams each of your three years of service. The teams must be equal in number. The teams will be encouraged to get together at least once a quarter, if not monthly, for a social event outside the church. The format, location, & duration will be up to the team.
5Transportation to Church ServicesAs you are able, transporting regular attenders to and from church for Sunday services.
6Block PartyThis is typically the day of the national night out, the first Tuesday in August. Every deacon is expected to serve at the block party in some capacity, as schedules allow.
7Ministry Partner PicnicEvent for the Ministry Partners who served as Ushers. All deacons are expected to attend the picnic.
8Thanksgiving & Christmas food drivesWe are the paper bag getters, the food runners, and the food packers for our church's part in the annual holiday food drives, Deacons transport food after services in November, and December to a nearby church, and deacons, along with volunteers, pack the food for the families. It requires additional work for deacons and ushers in those months.
9Deacon Representative to Session Monthly MeetingsCurrently, deacons do not attend Session meetings. An Elder visits with the Deacons during our monthly meeting to share any new items that affect the deacons. This is subject to change, and is a decision made by the Session of Elders.
Session Representative Assignment
Meetings are typically held in Ministry Center, basement floor at 7:00 p.m. An assignment/sign-up sheet will be circulated at the 1st Deacon meeting and a scheduleshould be given by the third meeting. If for any reason you are unable to attend, please trade with someone or notify the Moderator of the change, Session meetings are public, and anyone is welcome to attend. Public attendees do not have a vote and cannot offer a motion or an amendment to a motion.
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