Sanctuary Audio System Start-up

New Furman sequencer system was installed on 3/8/2023.
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    CHPC Sequential Switching System Instructions

    CHPC Sequential Switching System Instructions 3-22-2023

    Quick Start:

    1. Press and release the “Start Sequence” button on the Furman. The Impact Mixer will power on first.
    (Do not ever turn off the Impact using the switch on the rear of the mixer)
    The sequencer will continue to turn on the balcony equipment and then the equipment in the 
    remote amp closet in the proper order.

    2. To power down the system, press and release the “Start Sequence” button. The equipment will 
    turn of in the reverse order with the Impact mixer being the last device to turn off. 

    Here are the operation details:

    1. There is a keyed switch on the right side of the units. (There is a main control unit in the balcony and two remote units in the equipment rack in the amp closet) The keyed switch must be set to “Remote” at all times for the sequencing to operate at all devices. The on/off settings are just what they seem. Off turns everything off sequentially and on turns everything on but does not do so in the proper sequence order. DO NOT POWER THE BALCONY UNIT OFF WITH THE KEY. Powering the balcony unit off will throw the system out of sync. If any one of the units is powered off it will throw the entire sequencing process off such that it will not operate correctly.

    2. Should the system get out of sync for some reason, turn all of the units off and then back on then press and hold the “Start Sequence” button on the balcony unit for about 15 seconds to reset the process. The equipment rack units do not have a “start Sequence” button. 

    3. Behavior of the LED lights: the three lights to the immediate right of the “Start Sequence” button are used as follows:

    Primary Link: this lamp should be blinking green at a pace of one blink per second and indicates that the local 
    unit is the primary system master. If it is red it means the unit is disconnected from the rest of the system.

    Secondary Link: This lamp will blink green rapidly during the sequencing process. When the process, including firing the two remote units, is complete the Secondary Link will be on in a steady state. This is true whether the system is powered on or off. Blinking only happens during transmission of communication. If the Secondary Link light does not stop blinking it indicates that the remote units did not power up. Only when this light is in steady state and the three Delay lights next to it are also on in a steady state are the remote units on. 

    Ethernet: This light will not light, its function is to indicate connection to a network. This system, when so configured, can be monitored and controlled via software and a connection to the internet. This feature was not activated at this time but can be if it is deemed necessary at a future date.
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    Stage Wireing

    1. The "Stage Box" is connected to the balcony Mixer with the "Snake" (a bundle of cables).
    2. The stage box can loose communication with the Mixer on occasion. If this happens the wireless microphones will continue to operate and can give the audio operator time to go to the niche in the stage floor behind the piano to restart the stage box by unplugging the cord in the "switched" outlet for 30 seconds and then plugging the cord back in. The stage box does not have an on/off switch, only a power cord.
    3. The stage box "Switched" outlet receives its power from an MC cable that runs to the Furman sequencer on the Amp. Rack.
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