10.06 Other Travel-Related Expenses

Because CHPC has a global ministry, team members occasionally may be asked to travel, both domestically and internationally. The costs of obtaining or renewing personal identification required for domestic (i.e., a driver’s license) or international travel (i.e., a passport), are considered personal expenses by IRS standards. 

The costs of obtaining optional recommended immunizations and preventive medications are considered personal expenses, regardless of whether they are obtained for domestic (i.e., flu vaccinations, tetanus boosters) or international (i.e., malaria preventatives, hepatitis vaccinations) purposes. However, such costs may be reimbursable by a health insurance plan or healthcare flexible spending account, and team members should consult the HR Director for more information. 

Travel to certain countries may require obtaining a visa, or paying an entrance/exit tariff, or obtaining a specifically required immunization (i.e., a “yellow card” evidencing a yellow fever immunization for travel to many African countries). These country-specific required costs are considered reimbursable expenses. 

Additional insurance for medical emergencies occurring while traveling internationally is provided by CHPC, and team members should consult HR Team for more information. 
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