17.03 Performance Management

Promotions, Transfers & Demotions - It is CHPC’s intent to hire the most qualified candidate for any open position. Internal candidates will be considered for any open position for which they are qualified. However, because of the experience, skills, and educational requirements of many jobs, promotions from within CHPC are not always possible.  An employee’s past performance, experience, attitude, qualifications, and potential are all important factors which will be considered in making promotion and transfer decisions.
CHPC reserves the right to promote, transfer and demote employees, at its sole discretion.
Poor Job Performance - Employees may be disciplined, up to and including possible termination, for poor job performance or misconduct, as determined by CHPC.


Personnel Management - The personnel memo is a tool to help CHPC communicate more effectively with employees. It may be used to compliment special effort or results, or to advise, warn, or otherwise discipline an employee for performance or conduct that is not acceptable.
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