12.02 Overtime for Non-Exempt Employees

Employees are classified as either exempt or non-exempt from the overtime provisions of state and federal law based upon their job description.
From time to time, non-exempt employees may be asked to work beyond their normally scheduled hours or on a regularly scheduled day off. However, non-exempt employees are not allowed to work overtime unless it has been approved in advance by a supervisor. When non-exempt employees are asked to work overtime, they will receive time and one half pay for hours in excess of 40 hours in a work week. The work week is defined as a consecutive 7-day period and may vary by department. Non-exempt employees who work overtime that has not been authorized in advance by a supervisor may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination.
Time paid but not worked such as holiday, sick, vacation days, absence due to death in the family and other time away from work is not included in calculating overtime pay.  
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