Circuit Breaker Box Locations
Circuit breakers have several positions.
Old have two, off and on.
Newer ones have three, Off, Tripped and On. The tripped position is centered just short of Off. You must move the tripped toggle to the off position before moving it to the on position.
If the source of the problem is known and removed from the circuit it is Ok to turn the breaker back on. If it is unknown an electrician should be consulted. Common problems are too many devices on a circuit like two portable floor fans or one floor fan and a vaccuum cleaner. These combinations draw more current than the circuit can provide so the breaker trips to prevent overheating.
Old have two, off and on.
Newer ones have three, Off, Tripped and On. The tripped position is centered just short of Off. You must move the tripped toggle to the off position before moving it to the on position.
If the source of the problem is known and removed from the circuit it is Ok to turn the breaker back on. If it is unknown an electrician should be consulted. Common problems are too many devices on a circuit like two portable floor fans or one floor fan and a vaccuum cleaner. These combinations draw more current than the circuit can provide so the breaker trips to prevent overheating.
1Sanctuary/BasementLocated in the South West corner of the sanctuary asile. Open the door and notice the top switches are for the sanctuary lighting. Each breaker serves one pair (2) of ceiling lights. Open the brown door to see the outlets and basement circuits. These are from 1950 Sanctuary remodel.
2Prayer RoomLocated in the South West corner of the room. These control outlets and lighting in the area.
3Sanctuary Undercroft Electrical RoomEnter the east undercroft door, across from the boiler room door. Watch Your Head!! Sit on a rolling seat and carefully walk yourself straight into the electrical area. The large breaker box LP? is most often the one to look at.
4Sanctuary Basement Mechanical RoomBreaker Box located on the north wall.
5Sanctuary Rehearsal Room Office/MechanicalBreaker box for the room is located to the left of the door as you enter.
6Atrium OutletsOutlets:
TVs on Columns = Office Basement Mechanical Room - Panel A-A Circuit #5
73C's Classroom Patio wall lights LC-106,7&8 and Playground LightsThese are controlled through the contactor and timer in the LC basement electrical room. There is also a photocell on the exterior wall of LC-101 above the patio that controls the system. One cell is for the parking lot lighting and the other is for the exterior building lighting. There is a circuit breaker, #32 in Panel LP-BA in the LC basement mechanical room which supplies this particular circuit.
8OA Mechanical Tech Closet LPA
93C's Lobby - Ceiling Lights - 277vBreaker Box LP-1B is located in the custodial closet in the south hallway. Circuit #5. This is a sub feed from LP-1 in the teachers prep room.
10Learning Center Lobby - Ceiling Lights - 277vThe breaker box is located in the LC.104A, Teachers Prep Room. LP-1 Circuit #4
11Main St. Hallway, Restrooms & Fireside Ceiling Lights 277vPanel 1 is in Main St. Mechanical - Breaker #7 is for ceiling lights
12Main Street, wiring diagram and breaker identification.
13Atrium breaker box and wiring layoutThe breaker box A-A is located in the O/A basement mechanical room opposite the desk.
Breaker 5 is for the Atrium Information Post outlet.
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