Kids Curriculum How-To

  1. 1

    3 months out: Call Lifeway

    Have them add you to the church account (Heather may have to approve this; she can give you our church account #).
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    10 weeks out: Review order

    We are currently set up on auto-ship.  Once you have been added to the account, you should get an email before our order ships (review the order and make sure we have what we need; make any adjustments if necessary). 
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    6 weeks out: Unpack and organize curriculum

    The curriculum should arrive 4-6 weeks before the quarter change.  When it arrives, unpack it and make sure we have everything we need.  Organize piles by age group/class.
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    4 weeks out: Upload all digital content to Dropbox

    Upload all digital content onto desktop, then create folders in Dropbox and upload it there.

    Here are the things you will upload:
    -Kids Bible story videos
    -Kids Music (videos)
    -Questions from Kids (videos; only 4th-6th grade gets this on their tablet)
    -Preschool Bible story videos
    -Preschool music (videos)

    Scan all sets of activity sheets into the printer/scanner, save the digital files, and upload to Dropbox.
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    2 weeks out: Distribute curriculum

    Two Sundays before the quarter change, start distributing the curriculum.  Here's what you will do:

    -Hand out teacher books and new lesson schedule to teachers on Sunday mornings
    -Email teachers a link to all videos (Bible story, music, Questions from Kids) and activity sheets.
    -Print out all activity sheets (10 copies of each sheet per class, front & back, in color) and have them ready to distribute on the first Sunday of the new quarter
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    1 week out: Upload new videos onto tablets

    The Monday after the previous quarter is finished, delete the old videos from all tablets and upload the new ones. Test them to make sure they work correctly.
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    Collect and file old curriculum

    Collect old curriculum from the teachers after the quarter changes.  File the teacher books in the labeled bins in the vestibule closets.
If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us