AED Oversight

  1. 1

    Establish a clear set of expectations for AED usage

    Identify what type of AED is needed for a particular situation, define the roles and responsibilities of each person involved in using the device, and provide training on how to use the device correctly.
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    Ensure that the AED is properly maintained

    Check the battery life, inspect the pads for damage, and ensure that the device is in good working order.

    Supplies are purchased from AED Superstore. AEDs | Automated External Defibrillators | AED Superstore  
    The primary battery will last about 4-5.5 years and the 9v 2.5 years if it is lithium. Don’t buy a spare 9 volt, wait until needed as you can use a alkaline 9 volt until the lithium arrives from Amazon.

    Secondary battery and pads replaced 8/24/2022, see attached.
    The Primary battery was replaced on 6/10/2020
    The wall mounted equipment cabinet has an alarm on the door that requires a battery as well.

    File links will expire in 15 minutes. Refresh the page to access the files again.
  3. 3

    Track AED usage

    Monitor the use of the device and its effectiveness in resuscitation attempts.
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    Review and update AED protocols

    Periodically review the policies and procedures related to the use of the AED to ensure they are up-to-date and in compliance with local and state regulations.
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    Educate staff and volunteers

    Provide regular training to staff and volunteers on the proper use of the AED, as well as on the signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest.
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    Monitor certifications

    Ensure that all personnel who use the AED are properly certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and AED use.
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    Evaluate AED performance

    Monitor the effectiveness of the AED in resuscitation attempts and take corrective action when necessary.
If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us